16 May 2022 - 14:00 UTC (#7)
Members: Sean Copeland, David McAuley, Alejandra Reynoso, Nick Wenban Smith, Tatiana Tropina
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson, Joke Braeken
Draft agenda:
1. Welcome
2. Administrative matters
a. Impact inclusion IDN ccTLDs (Bylaw change)
3. Review/discuss: ccNSO Statement of Interest procedure document (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cRbvxsCU_1SR5OGBT2CkMquDxhuV2JhX/edit)
4. Review/discuss: Basic procedures ccNSO Councillors CoI (https://docs.google.com/document/d/15AsgBVnX8OaTcYVP6s9A9lIJqoxN5nqL/edit)
5. Prep for session at ICANN74
6. Next meetings
a. 23 May – Full GRC
b. 30 May – Conflict of Interest SG (deferred one day to 31 May at 15:00 UTC?)
c. 6 June – Prep ICANN74 – IF necessary
7. AOB
8. Closure
Recording: Zoom playback