18 July 2022 - 14:00 UTC (#8)

18 July 2022 - 14:00 UTC (#8)


Members:  Sean Copeland, David McAuley, Alejandra Reynoso


Staff:   Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson,

Apologies:  Stephen Deerhake

Draft agenda: Agenda - GRC CoI 18 July.pdf

1. Welcome and roll-call
2. Review of ICANN74 session: what have we heard?
     areas for improvement SOI and CoI
3. GNSO updated SoI process: General and Specific SoI.
4. Next Steps:
    Update draft document (draft available at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15AsgBVnX8OaTcYVP6s9A9lIJqoxN5nqL/edit#heading=h.o51ngh4fag88)
    Specifically, as the SoI procedure will directly impact the participation of volunteers from ccTLD, should the group stick to regular procedure or should it suggest membership support (by a vote)?
    Timeline subgroup to deliver draft document
5. AOB
6. Next meeting

Recording:  Zoom playback

Documents:  (see google docs)

Chat transcript:  Chat GRC CoI 18 July.txt