At-Large Social Media WG 22 May 2014 AC Chat
Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the first Interim Curation WG on Thursday 22 May 2014 at 1500 UTC
Bukola:Hello Gisella and Ariel
Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda:
Gisella Gruber-White:Hello Bukola!
Bukola:Pls when is the meeting starting? because I'm only seeing a blank screen with "nothing being shared" displayed
Ariel Liang:Hello Bukola
Ariel Liang:the meeting will start in 17 minutes
Bukola:Okay, thanks
Ariel Liang:no problem
Ariel Liang:Meeting will start at 15:00 UTC
Leon Sanchez:hello everyone!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello Leon
Ariel Liang:Hello Leon!
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Bonjour
Ariel Liang:Bonjour!
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Apparement rien n'a commencé?
Leon Sanchez:Hi Dev!
Leon Sanchez:Hi Ariel
Leon Sanchez:Hi Gisella!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello Etienne
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Hello Dev
Ariel Liang:Hello Anthony!!
Anthony Niiganii:Good day everyone
Ariel Liang:Hello Glenn!
Glenn McKnight:Hi
Gisella Gruber-White:Yuliya is joining shortly
Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome Anthony
Ariel Liang:Hello Yuliya
Ariel Liang:Hello Murray!
Murray McKercher:hello all
Yuliya Morenets_Euralo:Hello, apologize fro being late and thanks fro the invitation
Gisella Gruber-White:Murray and Yuliya have joined
Ariel Liang:#ATLAS2 for the summit
Ariel Liang:
Ariel Liang:This is the spreadsheet for the curation workflow
Yuliya Morenets_Euralo:we hear u
Leon Sanchez:not yer
Anthony Niiganii:still loading
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:non
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:pas d'écran
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:it takes a little while to turn it on. Nothing being shared now....
Anthony Niiganii:here it comes
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Whait
Bukola:I can see it now
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:go now
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:is good
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:THe wiki page for the Curation WorkFlow is
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Please do you have this document in french?
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Etienne - we dont have this document in French
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@Etienne - the larger draft social media strategy document has been translated in multiple languages - today's presentation isn't
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:All of the pages re: Curation WorkFlow are on the wiki ; the wiki translate plugin can be used to machine translate the wiki pages
Evan Leibovitch:Hi all. I can't be here for long, but at least a shirt time is better than no time.
Terri Agnew:Welcome Evan & Glenn
Evan Leibovitch:short
Evan Leibovitch:Providing a link to an external graphic does not abrogate its copyright, so long as we just do a link and not copy the material.
Ariel Liang:Leon has his hand raised
Yuliya Morenets_Euralo:I could tweet in russian, english and french
Yuliya Morenets_Euralo:well greek in case of need
Evan Leibovitch:Question: Will there be an organizational twitter account (@something) or will we be tweeting under our own accounts and using a common hashtag taxonomy? (#something)
Yuliya Morenets_Euralo:+1 Evan
Bukola:+1 Evan
Evan Leibovitch:If we can agree on hashtags, we can address Leon's issue about languages (ie, #ICANN_ATLAS_ES)
Glenn McKnight:hand up
Evan Leibovitch:@Ariel, it works the other way too. ICANN corporate should be retweeting what our group produces.
Evan Leibovitch:I am online only and can't speak, but I can hear the call.
Leon Sanchez:Completely agree with Glenn
Leon Sanchez:that's the whole point of social networks as I see it
Glenn McKnight:I need to leave
Anthony Niiganii:Social netetiquette is important....need to ensure not to lose participation through lack of acknowledgement and interaction of public engagement. It is a multi-avenue conversation.
Evan Leibovitch:As Glenn said, I need to leave too. Let's keep this going in email.
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:@Gisella @Dev I ask my question for the document(Guide ALSes) the presentator project in window in your speak
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:J'avais posé ma
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:question vous avez repondu
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Merci
Anthony Niiganii:I can work on one or two
Anthony Niiganii:beginners guide
Anthony Niiganii:thank you
Seun:hello if you don't mind, this meeting happen to coincide with a f2f REN meeting that i am currently in, so i am distracted
Murray McKercher:@Dev, I am able to tweet, but need to know from whose twitter account I tweet from...sorry if I missed this earlier in the call
Murray McKercher:@ Dev, OK I understand content curation :)
Leon Sanchez:I am not being able to edit the wiki pages
Leon Sanchez:Thanks!
Murray McKercher:Happy to curate content as it relates to NARALO
Murray McKercher:Our deadline was May 30th?
Heidi Ullrich:Hi All, I need to drop off this call to go onto another call.
Heidi Ullrich:Good first call :)
Murray McKercher:suggest we might engage hootsuite as a platform to schedule tweet
Murray McKercher:this time works for me
Leon Sanchez:I'm ok with this same time
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:yes same time works for me too :-) but then I'm just observing :-)
Leon Sanchez:Olivier is watching you!
Leon Sanchez::P
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Merci
Murray McKercher:thanks great call !
Anthony Niiganii:social network wrangler
Ariel Liang:Thank you all very much!!
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Merci à tous
Leon Sanchez:thanks to all
Anthony Niiganii:kinanaskomitinawa, ekosi!
Yuliya Morenets_Euralo:Thank you and bye.
Murray McKercher:bye
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Merci aux interprètes
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:bye
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks all, take care