Zoom chat: 2020-03-04 At-Large Social Media Working Group Call

Zoom chat: 2020-03-04 At-Large Social Media Working Group Call

07:50:03 From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome to the At-Large Social Media Working Group Call
07:57:16 From Evin Erdoğdu : Hello all - welcome!
07:57:32 From Priyatosh Jana : hi everyone
07:57:45 From Gnanajeyaraman Rajaram : Hi everyone
07:58:15 From shreedeep rayamajhi : hello everyone
07:59:10 From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome everyone
07:59:27 From Priyatosh Jana : thanks Claudia
08:00:44 From Heidi Ullrich : Welcome, All.
08:01:05 From davekissoondoyal : Hello everyone
08:01:43 From John Laprise : Good morning/afternoon/evening all
08:05:28 From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome Joan to audio
08:06:37 From shreedeep rayamajhi : I agree with john, it's an opportunity ...
08:11:10 From Evin Erdoğdu : Link to doc: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99630270/2020-03-04+At-Large+Social+Media+Working+Group+Call (on agenda)
08:11:58 From Evin Erdoğdu : Thank you Maureen
08:13:52 From shreedeep rayamajhi : yes john
08:13:53 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : If anyone has any comments they can send them to me and Evin so that we can include them
08:14:53 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : 2 weeks would be a good timeframe
08:15:08 From shreedeep rayamajhi : thank you Maureen :)
08:15:12 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : Thanks to Evin and Heidi
08:16:14 From Evin Erdoğdu : Thank you Heidi
08:16:43 From Heidi Ullrich : At-Large ICANN67 workspace: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99633215/ICANN67+-+Canc+n+Meeting+-+March+2020
08:17:00 From Claudia Ruiz : Adebunmi Akinbo on audio only
08:20:27 From Raymond Mamattah : Good afternoon from Ghana
08:23:21 From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome Raymond
08:24:06 From Raymond Mamattah : Thanks Claudia, apologise for being late
08:24:38 From Heidi Ullrich : I wonder if the Virtual ICANN67 could be an opportunity to hear examples of the impact of ICANN policies directly from the local ALSes/individuals?
08:25:15 From Heidi Ullrich : This could be done by a photo, statistics, a chart, etc.
08:26:00 From Heidi Ullrich : A key strength of At-Large is the grassroots nature of the volunteers. This might be a great opportunity to hear from those individual end users in their local environment.
08:26:24 From Evin Erdoğdu : +1 Heidi
08:26:49 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : ++1 Heidi.
08:30:40 From Priyatosh Jana : ++1 Heidi
08:31:39 From Gnanajeyaraman Rajaram : ++1
08:32:39 From davekissoondoyal : Yes .. go for it
08:32:46 From shreedeep rayamajhi : do it, I get it john
08:33:30 From Heidi Ullrich : Perhaps have days that focus on a specific issue
08:33:40 From Heidi Ullrich : We know Monday is DNS Abuse day for At-Large
08:33:49 From Heidi Ullrich : Tuesday - Doh/DOT
08:34:01 From Heidi Ullrich : Wednesday - Cybersecurity
08:34:19 From davekissoondoyal : yes
08:34:40 From Priyatosh Jana : yes
08:34:50 From Evin Erdoğdu : ICANN67 At-Large Workspace: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/P0jwBQ
08:35:09 From Heidi Ullrich : +1 John
08:38:56 From davekissoondoyal : Thanks for going through the calendar. It is very useful
08:39:43 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : Thank you for promoting the key At-Large sessions Heidi.
08:41:37 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : LOL John
08:43:47 From Claudia Ruiz : https://atlarge.icann.org/policy/at-large-and-dns-abuse-en
08:44:19 From Heidi Ullrich : @Evin, thanks for flagging the Talking Points. Those are key points that could be tweeted out during the sessions :)
08:46:55 From Evin Erdoğdu : Sure
08:47:57 From Evin Erdoğdu : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99633690/Action+items+2020-03-04+At-Large+Social+Media+Working+Group+Call
08:53:34 From shreedeep rayamajhi : the more search or more tweets make it visible
08:56:08 From shreedeep rayamajhi : Agree with John, thoughtful use of hashtag is a impoy
08:56:15 From shreedeep rayamajhi : important
08:56:40 From Evin Erdoğdu : Thank you John!!
08:56:40 From davekissoondoyal : thanks and bye to all
08:56:43 From Evin Erdoğdu : And all
08:56:46 From Bukola Oronti : thank you
08:56:46 From Heidi Ullrich : Thanks, All!
08:56:52 From shreedeep rayamajhi : thank you all
08:56:57 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : Thank you JOhn
08:57:17 From Priyatosh Jana : bye bye