Team Meeting #30 | 11 February 2025 @ 11:00 UTC
- Members: Ashley Heineman, Carlton Samuels, Edowaye Makanjuola, Lars-Johan Liman, Olga Cavalli, Peter Koch, Rafik Dammak, Rick Wilhelm, Steve Conte
- Observers: /
- Apologies: Alan Barrett, Jonathan Robinson, Marilia Hirano, Sami Ali
- ICANN org: Brenda Brewer, Elizabeth Garber (technical writer), Reda Josifi
Homework Due 11 February
- Read Rick’s findings on the origin of the ombudsman clause in Article VIII, Section 8.1 of the IANA Naming Function Contract []
- Rick recommended no change to the contact.
- Be prepared to discuss the path of choice for Article VIII, Section 8.1
- Option 1: No change to Section 8.1.
- Option 2: Flag Section 8.1 for change.
- Option 3: Post question for public comment and ask the community for their opinion (Is this still an appropriate role for the ombudsman?)
- Read pages 5-17 of the DRAFT IFR2 Report []
- Be prepared to discuss:
- If the IFR2 team has completed the task under ICANN Bylaws 18.3 (f) (lines 471-475, page 15).
- If the draft report looks better with the IFR2 contract chart moved to Appendix D.
- Be prepared to discuss:
1) Welcome, Roll Call, SOI updates
2) Action Items (all action items tracked in the Google sheet linked here [])
Reference | Date | Action item | Status |
26-03 | 26 November 2024 | Review team to look through the CWG for more information on Article 8 (why power was invoked to the president of the contractor). | The IFR2 team will discuss Rick’s findings at the 11 February meeting. |
26-02 | 26 November 2024 | Peter to draft a description of what the perceived problem the IFR2 review team is facing re: Article 8 and share it with the IFR2 team. | Peter is working on this task. |
26-01 | 26 November 2024 | Sam Eisner to provide IFR2 group more information on the amendment paths/recommendations and the level of detail needed for recommendations. | Sam will follow up with more information in the coming weeks. |
07-01 | 4 March 2024 | As follow up from the 6 March CSC briefing: Co-chairs to consider formally asking the CSC liaison if there is anything they would like to bring to the attention of the IFR2. | Open task in case the CSC brings anything else to the attention of the IFR2 group. |
3) Article VIII Research: Rick’s Findings on the special role of the ombudsman clause in Article VIII, Section 8.1 of the IANA Naming Function Contract []
- Rick recommended no change to the contract.
- Be prepared to discuss the path of choice for Article VIII, Section 8.1
- Option 1: No change to Section 8.1.
- Option 2: Flag Section 8.1 for change.
- Option 3: Post question for public comment and ask the community for their opinion (Is this still an appropriate role for the ombudsman?)
4) Draft IFR2 Report []:
- Reference: IFR1 Report
- Review Draft Report pages 5-17
- Discuss if the IFR2 team has completed this task under ICANN Bylaws 18.3 (f) (lines 471-475, page 15).
- Discuss if the draft report looks better with the IFR2 contract chart moved to Appendix D.
5) Next Meeting:
- Tuesday, 25 February at 18:00 UTC
6) AOB, close