Team Meeting #19 | 20 August 2024 @ 18:00 UTC
Team Meeting #19 | 20 August 2024 @ 18:00 UTC
- Members: Alan Barrett, Ashley Heineman, Brett Carr, Edowaye Makanjuola, Jonathan Robinson, Lars-Johan Liman, Marilia Hirano, Olga Cavalli, Peter Koch, Rick Wilhelm, Sami Ali, Steve Conte
- Observers: N/A
- Apologies: Rafik Dammak, Lyman Chapin
- ICANN org: Brenda Brewer, Jennifer Bryce, Reda Josifi, Elizabeth Garber (technical writer)
- Welcome, Roll Call, SOI updates
- Action Items (all action items tracked in the Google sheet linked here [docs.google.com])
Reference | Date | Action item | Status |
07-01 | 4 March 2024 | As follow up from the 6 March CSC briefing: Co-chairs to consider formally asking the CSC liaison if there is anything they would like to bring to the attention of the IFR2. | Ongoing - On hold for future consideration, once the IFR2 gets to a place in its work where it feels it can phrase the question most meaningfully. |
3. Status check: Review IFR2 scope per the Bylaws requirements and objectives in the Terms of Reference[docs.google.com] (see pages 3 – 6):
- Determine group alignment on where the gaps are in work to date and agree at a high level any further data gathering /interviews the team should carry out.
4. Time permitting, begin working through topics beyond the ‘nice to have’ that were identified to revisit during initial contract review:
- Article IV, Section 4.1: Designation (see row 11 in the workbook [docs.google.com])
- Article VIII, Section 8.1: Complaint Resolution Process (see row 48 in the workbook [docs.google.com])
- Article IX, Section 9.3: Transition (see row 54 in the workbook)
- Annex A, 2(b): Service Levels (see row 103 in the workbook [docs.google.com])
- Annex A, 4 (i) (1) (a): Interface Basic Functionality (see row 136 in the workbook [docs.google.com])
- Emerging recommendations (see workbook [docs.google.com] tab)
5. Agree next steps:
- Next meeting 3 September @ 11:00 UTC.
- Homework assignment to be confirmed and distributed via email. Note: new available background reading: Implementation report of IFR1 recommendations.
6. AOB, close
- Most recent IANA Customer Survey Report (May 2024)