Team Meeting #5 | 6 February 2024 @ 18:00 UTC
- Members: Alan Barrett, Ashley Heineman, Carlton Samuels, Edowaye Makanjuola, Jonathan Robinson, Lyman Chapin, Peter Koch, Rick Wilhelm, Sami Ali
- Observers: N/A
- Apologies: Brett Carr, Jennifer Bryce
- ICANN org: Amy Creamer, Brenda Brewer, Elizabeth Garber (Technical Writer), Marilia Hirano, Reda Josifi, Selina Harrington, Steve Conte
- Welcome, Roll Call, SOI updates
2. Action Items (all action items tracked in the Google sheet linked here [])
Reference | Date | Action item | Status |
02-02 | 5 Dec 2023 | ICANN team to share the Terms of Reference from the first IFR. For the review team to call out the specific areas and questions for discussion so that an agreement can be reached on the next call. | Final reading of the Terms of Reference [] shared on list 1 February. Absent final comments by end of day 6 February, document will be considered adopted by consensus. |
02-05 | 5 Dec 2023 | ICANN team to start working with Co-Chairs on getting the briefings lined up. They will start with a briefing at the next meeting. |
02-08 | 5 Dec 2023 | For the ICANN team to go back and see if there was a blog published to announce the first IFR and if so, republish a similar blog for IFR2. | IFR1 blog published at team approval of Terms of Reference document – IFR2 to consider publishing a blog at the same time. |
3. IANA naming function deep dive - Briefing from the IANA team.
4. Next Meetings
- Meeting 6 - Wednesday 21 February @ 01:00 - 02:00 UTC
- Meeting 7 – ICANN79 (Wednesday 6 March @ 13:15 – 14:30 AST (UTC-4)) – in advance of this briefing, team should think about any specific questions to ask the CSC.
5. AOB, close