Team Meeting #2 | 5 December 2023 @ 18:00 UTC
Team Meeting #2 | 5 December 2023 @ 18:00 UTC
- Members: Alan Barrett, Ashley Heineman, Brett Carr, Carlton Samuels, Edowaye Makanjuola, Jonathan Robinson, Lyman Chapin, Peter Koch, Rajiv Prasad, Rick Wilhelm
- Observers: none
- Apologies: Rafik Dammak
- ICANN org: Brenda Brewer, Jennifer Bryce, Marilia Hirano, Reda Josifi, Steve Conte
- Welcome, roll call, SOI updates
- Agree regular call slot and cadence
- Terms of Reference review
- Agree next meeting topic(s)
- Based on the poll that was circulated, the review team prefers to meet on Tuesdays, every other week. The team will proceed with rotating the meeting times (11:00 UTC, 18:00 UTC, and 01:00 UTC). This approach will be reassessed if it does not suit the review team members’ schedules.
Item # | Action Item |
02-01 | For Jennifer B. to work with Brenda to schedule next call for 60 minutes on the 9th of January. |
02-02 | For the ICANN team to share the Terms of Reference from the first IFR. For the review team to call out the specific areas and questions for discussion so that an agreement can be reached on the next call. |
02-03 | For the ICANN team to make sure that the URL on the wiki is separate from the first IFR wiki. |
02-04 | For the ICANN team to work together with Co-Chairs on an agenda for the next meeting and share it in advance. |
02-05 | For ICANN team to start working with Co-Chairs on getting the briefings lined up. They will start with a briefing at the next meeting. |
02-06 | For the ICANN team to come up with suggested meeting plan for January, February, and early March to share with the team—that way the review team members can check their calendars and send their apologies in advance. |
02-07 | For the ICANN team to work with the co-chairs to look into the possibility of allowing meeting access to observers. |
02-08 | For the ICANN team to go back and see if there was a blog published to announce the first IFR and if so, republish a similar blog for IFR2. |