September 2nd NCSG Open Policy Meeting
September 2nd NCSG Open Policy Meeting
NCSG Open Membership Policy Meeting
2nd September 2014 - Tuesday
16:00 -17:00 UTC
Remote Participation Details:
Telephone: http://ipjustice.org/ICANN/NCSG/NCSG_Passcodes.htm
Adobe Connect: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/_a819976787/ncsg/
Telephone: http://ipjustice.org/ICANN/NCSG/NCSG_Passcodes.htm
Adobe Connect: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/_a819976787/ncsg/
Draft Discussion Agenda:
I. Roll-call
II. 4th September GNSO Meeting Preparations
See below:
A. GNSO councillors will attend the call and brief to the membership about the GNSO call agenda items.
B. Discussion Items
III. Quick Update on ICANN policies
* Working Groups / Panels/ Expert groups e.g. (non exhaustive list) IANA transition Coordination Group, Proxy and Privacy accreditation, Expert Working Group, GNSO review working party etc
* Open Comment Periods
A. Reminder about the election: vote starting in 1st September
B. NCSG and members activities at IGF : NCSG workshop http://igf2014.sched.org/event/a187b6ef1a88c028f718559353a3758f#.U_30nIC1Zck