Notes NCSG & Registrars 25 March 2013
Participant List & Adobe Connect Chat Log of NCSG & Registrars on RAA - 25 March 2013
Participants list:
Michele Neylon
Remmy Nweke
Marie Laure Lemineur
Robin Gross
Ron Wickersham
Matt Serlin
James Bladel
Avri Doria
Joy Liddicoat
Mary Wong
Jose Arce
Luc Seufer
Volker Greimann
Wendy Seltzer
Rudi Vansnick
Deedee Halleck
Glenn Mcknight
Alain Berranger
Adobe Chat transcript:
Julia Charvolen:Welcome to the RrSG & NCSG Discussion meeting on Monday 25 March 2013 at 1800 UTC
Julia Charvolen:Audio is enabled in the Adobe Connect room for this meeting
Michele Neylon:I sent the adobe link around I think ..
Michele Neylon:though I could be wrong ..
Avri Doria:yeah audio
Avri Doria:btw, Robin does not have a computer that can do adobe connect, so she will not see hands go up. i can announce them, but you all can speak up just as easily
Michele Neylon:grand
Avri Doria:actually i am skyping with her so can let her know.
Michele Neylon:you can disparage away :)
volker Greimann:i do not have a microphone
Michele Neylon:Volker - I'll send you the dialin details
volker Greimann:btw: the goalpost moved all the time during the negotiations.
Michele Neylon:Volker - check your skype - I sent you the dialin details
volker Greimann:basically, the proposed privacy spec would push most non-registrar privacy services out of the business.
Michele Neylon:There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know.Read more at
Michele Neylon:maybe not the best quote ..
volker Greimann:nnot really
Avri Doria:you mean it wasn't intentional to try and sneak it in at the last minute?
volker Greimann:i would not dare comment, avri
Avri Doria:me, i just ask questions.
Michele Neylon:
Michele Neylon:there is a session on the RAA
Avri Doria:is that a reasonable option - that Registrars will "just give in to something unreasonable?"
Michele Neylon:NO
Avri Doria:or rather is that a likely option?
volker Greimann:you can come out in the public comment forum on the controversal topics
volker Greimann:and the public comments on the posted raa, of course
Avri Doria:any chance that Registrars will call their bluff and do something about the essential breech of promise?
Michele Neylon:+1 to James
Mary Wong:Agree, +1
Michele Neylon:can anyone say "digital divide"?
wseltzer:Apologies to be joining late
Michele Neylon:evening
Michele Neylon:/me waves
wseltzer:April 8 session
Michele Neylon:
Bladel:Agreed. and the Board doesn't seem to be asking for this role.
wseltzer:What are the best links for us to see the current state?
Rudi Vansnick:sorry for being late, due to trafic problems
Avri Doria:James, i think the Board will do whatever Fadi tells them to do. they can't aford to admit they picked a bad apple twice in a row.
Michele Neylon:Wendy - our statement covers our current view
Michele Neylon:
Michele Neylon:all the docs published by ICANN are on the RAA comment page
wseltzer:thanks Michele
Avri Doria:or you have 5 years to find an alternative to this ICANn regime?
Michele Neylon:Avri - no - we don't have that much time
Avri Doria:ok 3 years.
Michele Neylon:our current agreements will expire
Michele Neylon:most of us signed on to the 2009 contract in 2009
Avri Doria:well i guess they have you over the barrel.
Bladel:Not sure if we can file reconsideration request, or Independent Reiew.
volker Greimann:all registries and registrars walk and create an alternate root? not recommended...
Avri Doria:I am sure you can;
Avri Doria:not an alternate root, and alternate root manager.
Avri Doria:IANA should be sperate from the ICANN machinations.
volker Greimann:but it is not
Avri Doria:if ICANn canot fulfill its function, there perhaps NTIA needs to find other solutions.
Avri Doria:a long shot, but an alternative to surrender.
volker Greimann:and I bet the ITU is ready to jump in on that
Avri Doria:at this point, i am not sure that looks so bad anymore.
Rudi Vansnick:franckly speaking, is it due to the ICANN CEO's the processes at ICANN are not in line with what we all expect ?
Avri Doria:actually as an ATRT2 member, the whois review being ignored is indeed significant. they claim it was not ignored.
Avri Doria:what we are seeing is just a nuanced implementation of thwe whois review recommendations.
Avri Doria:or so it is claimed
Rudi Vansnick:at the end what is somehow needed is a 2 level whois : one for public use (access) and another one only for registrar's : just a simple proposal to elaborate on
Michele Neylon:Rudi - a lot of ccTLDs have that
Avri Doria:Staff actions on TMCH + RAA +RA rings the death knell of GNSO
Rudi Vansnick:indeed Michele, so why not making ti general
volker Greimann:define community support
Michele Neylon:Rudi - we're looking at that and many other things in the Expert Working Group
volker Greimann:the summary of the public comment phase on the strawman managed to derive communty support despite the large volume of negative feedback
Rudi Vansnick:sorry Michele, i have a huge backlog still to handle, hope this will be done within a week, after that I'm willing to jump into these discussions
Avri Doria:bye