12-06-06 NCSG Discussion Agenda
12-06-06 NCSG Discussion Agenda
Draft Discussion Agenda - NCSG Open Policy Meeting
I. GNSO Council Issues
A. GAC/GNSO Issues Related to International Olympic Committee (IOC) & Red Cross (RC) Names Drafting Team. GNSO Council to approve sending of note to GAC.
B. GNSO Council to vote on charter for drafting team to create working groups to establish "Best Practices" for addressing abusive registrations
C. Update on the Joint Supporting Organisations/Advisory Committee on New gTLD Applicant Support Working Group (JAS WG)
D. RAA negotiations (not on council agenda, but teed up for Prague)
E. GNSO Council to vote on motion to consider next steps regarding whois access recommendations
F. Outreach task force discussion - what do we want?
G. Fake renewal notices - public comment on report over - what next?
H. GNSO Council to approve sending letter to GAC re: Consumer Metrics working group
II. Issues related to new GTLD program
A. URS Summit?
B. Next steps for program?
III. Preparation for Prague
A. Discussion topics to propose for the following discussions in Prague:
1. Board & NCSG
a. Developing a human rights impact assessment for policy development processes
b. what does "the global public interest mean"?
2. NCSG & At-Large
a. RAA negotiations
b. 'globalizing' ICANN
3. Public Forum
a. Building privacy concerns into RAA negotiations
b. IDNs
4. Chairman Steve Crocker's speech
B. What else?
IV. Open Comments
V. Any Other Business?