Approved ABRs
Maryam Bakoshi
Aleksey Khapchenko
FY21-26: Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG) Request for Policy Writing & Advocacy Training
RESPONSIBLE ICANN STAFF: Carlos Reyes (Policy); Betsy Andrews (PRS)
Previous policy writing training and the creation of an ICANN Learn course demonstrates the utility of providing support for additional policy writing training for the ICANN community. Approval is conditioned upon:
(1) expanding the training program to include all interested community groups; and
(2) the instruction materials, case studies and lessons learned being developed in consultation with PRS and the Policy liaison, with a view toward transformation into a sustainable course on ICANN Learn as an Advanced Policy Writing course.
Funding will cover only:
(1) the venue, equipment and technical support costs for a one-day training program held in conjunction with an ICANN Public Meeting in FY21;
(2) cost of a trainer (to be selected by ICANN Org in accordance with its usual process, including to develop the requisite ICANN Learn course materials)and that trainer’s travel funding to the applicable ICANN Public Meeting; and
(3) one (1) additional hotel room night and applicable per diem for attendees already attending that ICANN Public Meeting (whether self-funded or supported by ICANN or a third party). Funds permitting, a separate webinar may be offered to NCSG in advance of the training program to address other specific issues relevant to the NCSG. Travel support is limited to the most cost-logical economy airfare, the number of hotel nights specified in this approval and (for community travelers) a partial per diem to cover those meals not catered for within the duration of the meeting, all in accordance with ICANN Org’s current Travel Guidelines and coordinated with ICANN Org’s Constituency Travel team.
FY19-08-NCSG-Participation of Leaders from Developing Countries at ICANN Meetings NCSG request for support of leadership from developing countries at ICANN Public Meetings
(Yes)(10,045)(to be managed by Benedetta Rossi, Manager for Policy Support & Community Services, ICANN Policy Development Support)
The success of similar pilot efforts and the opportunity presented for leadership recruitment from under served and underrepresented countries qualifies this request for support. Approval is granted for 1 traveller per ICANN Public Meeting in FY19 (i.e. ICANN63, 64, and 65) from an underserved and underrepresented country within the applicable ICANN meeting region. Approval of this request is contingent upon coordination with ICANN’s Policy Development Support Team and on the submission of a written report within 30 days of travel which addresses how the opportunity met the request objectives and each itemized metric as per the community request. The report is to be submitted to and is a condition of future resource allocations. Unused travel allocations may not be carried over to future meetings or the next fiscal year. Approved travel means economy airfare + hotel + per diem for 1 traveller as noted above.
FY19-09-NCSG-Capacity Building Program for NCSG/NCUC/NPOC Request for the continuation of the FY18 NCSG/NCUC/NPOC Capacity Building Program aimed at consensus building within ICANN PDP/WG environment
(Yes – partial approval)(10,900)(to be managed by Benedetta Rossi, Manager for Policy Support & Community Services, ICANN Policy Development Support)
Deliverables from the first NCSG/NCUC/NPOC Capacity Building Program (FY18-25) included the production of materials which are to be made accessible on demand via ICANN Learn. The ICANN Organization, in collaboration with the NCSG, NCUC and NPOC, will evaluate the success of the FY18 program including the use and usability of ICANN Learn. This ABR allocation is for the delivery of another round of training via webinars, in keeping with the FY18 experience, with a professional trainer, on the understanding that the training will be complementary to the materials to be created for ICANN Learn based on the FY18 ABR allocation. The funds allocated do not include travel support or a face-to-face component. The NCSG should consider incorporating feedback from their experience in FY18, when collaborating with ICANN Organization and the professional trainer for this FY19 project.