

AC Chat transcript 11th June 2013


  Nathalie  Peregrine: Dear all, Welcome to the NCSG call on the 11th June 2013

  marie-laure lemineur:good morning all

  Robin Gross:Good morning

  Mary Wong:Hello

  Robin Gross:just waiting another minute for folks to join the call

  Bill Drake:audio working?

  Nathalie  Peregrine:@ Avri, noted!

  Maria Farrell:Hi everyone!

  Nathalie  Peregrine:YEs audio is enabled in the AC room

  Bill Drake:nobody talking, or I'm having a problem?

  Robin Gross:I was talking

  Bill Drake:damn

  Nathalie  Peregrine:@ Bill, are you still having issues hearing?

  Bill Drake:Like Mama always said, if you have a problem, reboot

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Mama has wise words.

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Cheryl Langdon-Orr has joined the call

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:hi all sorry to be late... can stay unit

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr: top of thehour

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:until top of hour

  Bill Drake:have Contracted pay

  Maria Farrell:Ed - are you far from your mic?

  Maria Farrell:a bit hard to hear

  Nathalie  Peregrine:we are trying to increase volume on Edward's line

  Maria Farrell:thanks nathalie, it seems better now.

  Maria Farrell:really helpful precis ed, thank you.

  Avri Doria:I have a petition?  Don' t think I have one of those.

  Cintra Sooknanan:agree Ed. thanks for your very well thought out proposal, definitely one approach to consider

  Mary Wong:NCSG shd ask 2 mt with the Board specifically on this issue.

  Cintra Sooknanan:should raise it with the board in Durban

  Mary Wong:If u ask 2 mt with the Board and say it's abt this, the Board will send the BGC and NGPC anyway

  Maria Farrell:dang, sorry! just to thank you guys for work and suggest we start with getting answer from bgc, and do DIDP simultaneously

  Bill Drake:exactly Mary, NCSG meets with the board as is

  Bill Drake:I'm talking

  Cintra Sooknanan:we can't hear you Bill

  Avri Doria:tie for nuclear?

  Avri Doria:time for nuclear?

  marie-laure lemineur:@bill. agree with you

  Maria Farrell:+1 for what BIll says, it does seem sensible and we can still launch engagement process after the meeting with the board.

  Mary Wong:Agree with Bill, and yes, invite the GNSO community (specifically Jeff and SVG, for instance.)

  Bill Drake:No kidding, Avri

  Bill Drake:NCSG washing cars in front of the conference site would be quite a sight...

  Maria Farrell:Sorry I have no audio + 'hear hear' to our miutual concerns of legitimising a farce.

 Adobe Chat Transcript from 11 June 2013 NCSG Open Membership Policy Meeting

Avri Doria:i skyped the question: avri: A question to Civil Society in #ICANN: As #ICANN turns away from their multistakeholder processes are we legitimizing a farce?

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:agree with Mary on a concerted awareness raising in public. approach

  Avri Doria:and who knows, we may win.  it could happen. i mean ...

  Mary Wong:From whose line was the Star Trekky atmo-music emanating?

  Nathalie  Peregrine:the operator is working on that right now

  Avri Doria:i tought someone was flushing

  Bill Drake:Will anyone else here be in Lisbon for EuroDIG?

  Bill Drake:The EC will be there meeting with CS folks on other stuff, we could make the connection...

  Klaus Stoll:I second Wolfgang

  Mary Wong:The latest Board action on the GAC Communique (partial, doesn't deal with the Safeguards issue):http://www.icann.org/en/news/announcements/announcement-2-06jun13-en.htm

  Mary Wong:I think it shd be the whole NCSG

  Mary Wong:I haven't got a response from any PC member except Bill on my draft.

  Robin Gross:can councilors take a look at Mary's draft and comment in the next day please so we can get something in on ATRT?

  Cintra Sooknanan:I lost audio

  Mary Wong:Yes please; I just need a Y/N and a sentence or two on the Recon Request.

  Cintra Sooknanan:Avri keeps cutting in and out

  Cintra Sooknanan:is it a problem only on my end?

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Audio is still ok Cintra, would you like a dial out? If yes, on which number?

  marie-laure lemineur:same for NPOC we just received confirmation of our meeting with ATRT

  marie-laure lemineur:sorry I have to withdraw to the next Whois WG call.

  Maria Farrell:I also think we should approve the motion

  Cintra Sooknanan:I am reconnected now

  Maria Farrell:I think it's pretty procedural

  Mary Wong:Folks, going back to the ATRT2 request, I'm going to send the draft to the mailing list today unless any PC member or Councilor objects.

  Maria Farrell:that ones's a mystery

  Mary Wong:It's an IDN issue

  Maria Farrell:we got a stay on this one last month.

  Maria Farrell:I'm not crazy about it as it's instrumental to helping whois before that group reports, but otoh it's fairly operational

  Maria Farrell:if we can use the term 'operational' non-ironically

  Maria Farrell:yep, I think avri has it right. I plan to vote in favour unless anyone objects to that

  Avri Doria:can someone suggest a friendly that eliminate commercial?

  Maria Farrell:I think the 'commercial' question is simply whether it can be done financially, not whether it can be monetised

  Maria Farrell:not sure the amendment would be considered friendly

  Avri Doria:Maria, how do you sperate the wtow?

  Maria Farrell:fair question - I"m just not 100% confident of it as I've not read the report

  Maria Farrell:and on the whole I don't like to get in the way of IDN things happening

  Avri Doria:yes, i too accept IDN as holy grail but ...

  Maria Farrell:let me take a look at it between now and council meeting and try to understand it better, avri.

  Maria Farrell:should we say ncsg is writing to board and opening that to other stakeholder groups? i.e. try to drum up some support?

  Robin Gross:yes

  Maria Farrell:i really can't hear wolfgang

  Maria Farrell:will do, robin.

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Wolfgang is travelling, reception on his mobile phone means we have an unstable connection

  Maria Farrell:just to say self review by gnso a good thing, v useful last time.

  Maria Farrell:yes, on item 9, this one is mostly ching and the rest of us just nod along

  Maria Farrell:to be brutally honest...

  Maria Farrell:still got you robon

  Maria Farrell:yes we hear you

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Wolfgang's line dropped

  Nathalie  Peregrine:We are dialling him back

  Avri Doria:Constituencies are allowed to report into SG meetings, I would assume.  In fact I think they should.

  Avri Doria:in terms of this, I a wearing an APC hat as one of those helping put the school together.

  Robin Gross:is there an NPOC member on the call who can speak to what workshop / event NPOC is holding in Durban?

  Cintra Sooknanan:Bill we will get back to you when the new executive is in place, we will discuss it interally in Durban

  Magaly:I can't here Klaus


  Robin Gross:always a problem getting time confirmed by ICANN staff

  Bill Drake:a 90 minute event about what, please?

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Klaus is on the AC only, so hard to improve his line.

  Klaus Stoll:Just a second

  Bill Drake:your voice kept dropping Klaus

  Klaus Stoll:3.)  Session: Democratization of Internet Governance, I-Inform Alliance Plan of Action Responsible for session: NPOC and I-Inform Alliance, Day: Wednesday, Duration 90 Minutes Speakers: I-Inform Alliance members plus invited guests, Room required for 30-50 participants Content: Internet Governance (IG), has been likened to a country where 0.1% are in charge of 99.9% of the population. That is why I-Inform has came to existence. I-Inform is an alliance for collaborative large scale IG awareness building and engagement with IT users everywhere. Following the inaugural meeting of I-Inform in The Hague back in May 7-8, 2013, we are excited to present the next action plans for the Alliance which centers on the four main topics of I-Inform Cyber Awareness Campaign, I-Inform Engage, IG involvement of Youth and I-Inform4D. The meeting will present and discuss these main action lines in detail and will open up spaces for other organizations to join the Alliance and participate in the activities.

  Klaus Stoll:Bill That is the info, we still have no confirmation on time by staff

  Magaly:I will be on the call.

  Maria Farrell:I will be on thursday's call also.

  Cintra Sooknanan:Thank you Robin for chairing

  Bill Drake:wow you loud!

  Mary Wong:Do we have anything to say abt the .biz and .info RA renewals?

  Bill Drake:stepping on each others paws is?

  Mary Wong:Did we put anything in for Community Travel Support? If so, do we have anything to say now that it's in the Reply Period?

  Bill Drake:hey Verisign pays for our drinks

  Mary Wong:I just sent a draft ATRT2 proposal to the NCSG listserv.

  Cintra Sooknanan:lol@happy with it

  Bill Drake:I thought maybe there was some off line discussion

  Mary Wong:Yeah so far it's still mostly Avri and occasionally me that start/do comments ...

  Bill Drake:are the Councilors talking together off line?

  Mary Wong:Not on the PC list.

  Bill Drake:Bandwidth is scarce supply all around

  Mary Wong:Oh I should have added Wendy's name as an occasional drafter of policy comments too.

  Maria Farrell:Eek, yes, I've been lax on drafting and need to raise my game. Point taken.

  Mary Wong:@Maria, no fingers being pointed; it would, however, be really helpful if Councilors can use the PC list to do policy discussions so we can coordinate statements.

  Bill Drake:NCUC people have agreed on this point and Rudi was to coordinate with NPOC

  Maria Farrell:Mary, no worries but I don't mind pointing the finger at myself, and also take the point we should use the pc list for actual discussions.

  Maria Farrell:woflgang you've cut out

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:from a NomCom POV a  change of bylawx to get an NPOC seat would be good. ASAP

  Nathalie  Peregrine:We're dialling out to him again

  Bill Drake:Fat chance!

  Klaus Stoll:Great idea!!!Full support!!!

  David Cake:I'm afraid I missed the first meeting of the Policy vs Implementation Drafting Team. 3am my time, I was weak.

  Magaly:Sorry I have to go. I will chek out the transcriptions later. Thanks!

  Bill Drake:In another window I have open, Bertrand quotes Carl Bildt in Stockholm---"Surveillance does not harm freedom of expression because it is covert".

  Bill Drake:I think Wolfgang's ordering a beer

  Maria Farrell:thanks robin et al!

  Cintra Sooknanan:bye everyone