2014 May 6th NCSG Open Policy Meeting

2014 May 6th NCSG Open Policy Meeting

NCSG Open Membership Policy Meeting
 6th May 2014 - Tuesday
15:00 -17:00 UTC

Draft Discussion Agenda:

I.    Roll-call 

II.   8th May GNSO Meeting Preparations
 A.  GNSO councillors will attend the call and brief to the membership about the GNSO call agenda items.
 B.  Discussion Items 
III.   Update on ICANN Working Groups / Panels/ Expert groups
 A.  Proxy and Privacy accreditation WG
 B. Policy and Implementation WG: questions from the WG
 C. Expert Working Group on new directory services survey
 D. Generic Names Supporting Organization review process
 E. Other WG/panels  :Cross-community working group on IG draft charter

IV.  Open Comment Periods 
  B. ICANN 5-year strategic plan
* List of volunteers to lead for public statement drafting: Brenden and Niels for IANA transition
 A. Follow-up for netmundial 
 B. London meeting