2013 December 10th NCSG Open Policy Meeting
2013 December 10th NCSG Open Policy Meeting
NCSG Open Membership Policy Meeting
10 December 2013 - Tuesday
16:00 -18:00 UTC
Remote Participation Details:
Telephone: http://ipjustice.org/ICANN/NCSG/NCSG_Passcodes.htm
Adobe Connect: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/_a819976787/ncsg/
Telephone: http://ipjustice.org/ICANN/NCSG/NCSG_Passcodes.htm
Adobe Connect: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/_a819976787/ncsg/
Draft Discussion Agenda:
I. Roll-call
II. 12th Dec GNSO Meeting Preparations
A. GNSO councilors will attend the call and explain to the community about the motions on table
B. Motions for a Vote on Thursday : briefing
C. Discussion Items
NB for councillors who cannot attend , please indicate your opinions/positions about the motions prior to the meeting.
III. Update on ICANN Working Groups / Panels/ Expert groups
A. WHOIS : Proxy and Privacy accreditation, Whois studies, Expert Working Group
B. Accountability and Transparency Review Team: drafting comment
C. Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information: briefing
D. Policy and Implementation WG: briefing
E. Multistakeholderism Innovation Panel?
IV. Open Comment Periods
A. Brazil summit updates