Meeting #7 Client Committee (10 April 2015)
Attendees: Holly Gregory, Edward McNicholas, Josh Hofheimer, Tennie Tam, Sharon Flanagan, Lise Fuhr, Jonathan Robinson, Greg Shatan, Maarten Simon
Notes & Action Items
Schedule for Mon/Tues
*legal oriented calls in bold
Monday 13 April
11:00 — 13:00 UTC — Meeting #35
15:00 — 17:00 UTC — Meeting #36
19:00 — 21:00 UTC — Meeting #37
Tuesday 14 April
07:00 — 09:00 UTC — Meeting #38
10:00 — 12:00 UTC — Meeting #39
14:00 — 16:00 UTC (could be extended to 17:00 UTC if needed) — Meeting #40 (Sharon cannot attend)
Sidley will be on 2-3 of the meetings
What would trigger a separation?
Who would be empowered to trigger a separation?
How would a separation take place?
Would help Sidley to have more information about existing contracts and parties related to IANA
- relationship with NTIA
- relationships with IETF and RIRs (suggestion to pull that information directly from their proposals)
Role of CSC (decider or not?)
Action (Sidley): look into CSC draft -- when complete-- to look at the anti-trust aspect
COMPLETE (Grace): point Sidley to two communities drafts and websites
Transcript CWG Client Comm 10 April.doc
Transcript CWG Client Comm 10 April.pdf
The Adobe Connect recording is available here:
The MP3 recording is available here:
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer: (4/10/2015 09:30) Hello! Welcome to the Client Committee meeting on 10 April.
Josh Hofheimer (Sidley): (10:02) Good day, getting on the audio.
Grace Abuhamad: (10:02) joining now as well.
Jonathan Robinson: (10:02) Hello All.
maarten simon: (10:02) only listening in as I am on the hockey field
Lise Fuhr: (10:03) Hello
Greg Shatan: (10:04) Joining on audio shortly.
Holly Gregory (Sidley): (10:05) Good morning, afternoon, evening all!
Grace Abuhamad: (10:07) We coordinate on schedules
Greg Shatan: (10:08) I am now on audio. Apologies for joining late.
Greg Shatan: (10:10) 39 is a 3 am start on West Coast.
Holly Gregory (Sidley): (10:10) +1 Grace -- I should have known!
Greg Shatan: (10:10) UTC is now one hour behind GMT.
Greg Shatan: (10:11) 38 is the killer for me on the East Coast: 3-5 am.
Greg Shatan: (10:14) Decision points are the key. We can't ask you to make them, but we need to have guidance on pros/cons.
Grace Abuhamad: (10:20) All -- i'm juggling a few calls at the same time (as was the case yesterday). I'm taking notes, but they are not as detailed as they would be normally.
Greg Shatan: (10:22) Agree it is a strong dependency!
Sharon Flanagan (Sidley): (10:38) @Grace - can you send us a link to those CRISP documents?
Grace Abuhamad: (10:38) Yes, I'll send an email with their proposals (IETF and CRISP) and to their websites
Greg Shatan: (10:46) I don't think a UDRP-type process is needed. I do think that at some level of escalation, mediation followed by arbitration could be on the ladder, but only after "non-intermediated" efforts fail.
Jonathan Robinson: (10:48) @Greg - Agreed.
Greg Shatan: (10:48) That would be out of scope.
Greg Shatan: (10:49) Thankfully.
Greg Shatan: (10:56) Punch lists are always good.
Lise Fuhr: (11:00) Thank you
Lise Fuhr: (11:00) Talk to you Monday
Greg Shatan: (11:00) Thanks!!