Meeting #6 Client Committee (9 April 2015)
Attendees: Tennie Tam, Cameron Kerry, Greg Shatan, Josh Hofheimer, Maarten Simon, Lise Fuhr, Sharon Flanagan, Grace Abuhamad
Client Committee Call on 9 April 2015 at 14:00 UTC
Agenda (intended as a guide):
1. Briefing Doc – Key Issues & highlights
2. Briefing Doc – Questions and issues arising from the CWG
a. A document of collated questions prepared by Grace (for the record)
b. What are the key themes & concepts
3. Logistics
a. Plans for 13th & 14th April
b.Towards a proposal on the 20th
4. AOB
1. Briefing Doc – Key Issues & highlights
Key open items that Sidley views as requiring further discussion and input:
(1) PTI as a seperate legal entity, or not;
(2) Organization of PTI board if a seperate legal entity;
(3) Organization of PRF - frequency of review and structure, scope of mandate;
(4) Review and consequence of PRF review;
(5) CSC -- scope of mandate, organizational structure;
(6) multi-stakeholder organization structure and scope of mandate (not deciding, but communicating to CCWG what this group needs)
2. Briefing Doc – Questions and issues arising from the CWG
Grace to send document of collated questions (for the record).
Give Sidley the opportunity to review the questions and decide how/if to answer.
In some cases, Sidley may need more information in order to provide an answer.
3. Logistics
Sidley will be able to join the CWG calls during the high-intensity meetings on Monday and Tuesday.
(Sharon has a conflict at Meeting #40)
Next call at 15:00 UTC on Friday.
Transcript CWG Client Comm 9 April.doc
Transcript CWG Client Comm 9 April.pdf
The Adobe Connect recording is available here:
The MP3 recording is available here:
Documents Presented
Compiled Questions on Sidley Memo.pdf
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer: (4/9/2015 08:40) Hello all and welcome to the Sidley meeting on 9 April.
Jonathan Robinson: (09:01) Hello everyone
Jonathan Robinson: (09:02) Greg and i talked before the call and we agreed I would chair the meeting
Josh Hofheimer (Sidley): (09:02) Good day. Online and waiting to connect via audio
Jonathan Robinson: (09:02) The (proposed) agenda is in the notes on the right. It is intended as a guide
Jonathan Robinson: (09:02) Is Holly going to join?
Grace Abuhamad: (09:03) She sent apologies (she is on a flight)
Greg Shatan: (09:05) Hello all.
Greg Shatan: (09:05) I "leaked" the high intensity schedule to Sidley.... :-)
Josh Hofheimer (Sidley): (09:16) For this group to consider, there are a few key open items that Sidley views as requiring further discussion and input. Summarizing from Sharon's presentation: (1) PTI as a seperate legal entity, or not; (2) Organization of PTI board if a seperate legal entity; (3) Organization of PRF - frequency of review and structure, scope of mandate; (4) Review and consequence of PRF review; (5) CSC -- scope of mandate, organizational structure; (6) multi-stakeholder organization structure and scope of mandate (not deciding, but communicating to CCWG what this group needs)
Jonathan Robinson: (09:22) @Josh. The cchairs of CWG & CWG are meeting together weekly. Key is that this communication is imparted effectively to members/participants of both CCWG & CWG
maarten Simon, SIDN: (09:24) Hi Sharon, the memo was very clear for me as a non US lawyer.Thanks for the work.
Josh Hofheimer (Sidley): (09:24) Agree Jonathan, but the CCWG has a number of sub-working teams who also need to hear these "needs"
Josh Hofheimer (Sidley): (09:25) Greg -- To clarify, if an LLC it would not be a for-profit, entity. And the non-profit public benefit corp would not issue shares.
Jonathan Robinson: (09:26) OK Josh. Then we need to make sure CCWG Chairs communicate effectively into those sub-working teams with our (CWG) requirements
Josh Hofheimer (Sidley): (09:27) Agree @Jonathan. Specifically I think WP1 needs to be informed.
Greg Shatan: (09:28) Josh -- sorry -- right -- LLC would be a single-member LLC . But it would be a sub. as opposed as an aff.
Josh Hofheimer (Sidley): (09:36) Cam you are mute?
Grace Abuhamad: (09:37) We can hear you Cameron.
Greg Shatan: (09:37) Lost Camn and he left the room
Lise Fuhr: (09:40) yes send to the client committee
Greg Shatan: (09:41) Very generous.
Cameron Kerry: (09:41) my connection was interrupted mid-sentence. we can come back to my procedural question later - how best do we insure input from CWG on the issues that are "outsourced" to the CCWG discussion? Sidley and some CWG members are a bridge but I'm sensitive to appropriate community input.
Greg Shatan: (09:41) After Friday, only 2 more working days until Monday. :-(
Grace Abuhamad: (09:42) I will email the questions now
Grace Abuhamad: (09:42) the compilation document
Greg Shatan: (09:42) Responses could be fairly short-form.
Sharon Flanagan (Sidley): (09:43) That works
Sharon Flanagan (Sidley): (09:45) @Grace - can we get a soft copy of questions?
Grace Abuhamad: (09:45) Just sent :)
Sharon Flanagan (Sidley): (09:45) Thanks!
Greg Shatan: (09:50) Ugly is a good word.
Sharon Flanagan (Sidley): (09:52) Onlty conflict I have is Meeting #40
Greg Shatan: (09:52) Sounds like a plan is shaping up.
Grace Abuhamad: (09:53) Noted your conflict for planning purposes, thanks Sharon
maarten Simon, SIDN: (09:56) thank yoy, bye
Josh Hofheimer (Sidley): (09:57) thanks