Meeting #3 Client Committee (12 March 2015)
Attendees: Rick Boucher; Samantha Eisner; Sharon Flanagan; Lise Fuhr; Holly Gregory; Josh Hofheimer; Cam Kerry; Jonathan Robinson; Greg Shatan; Maarten Simon; Tennie Tam; Janet Zagorin
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Transcript Sidley 12 March.doc
Transcript Sidley 12 March.pdf
Client Committee (Regular) Call #1
Thursday 12 March at 14:00 UTC
1- Deliverables and expectations for Istanbul
2- Close Diligence Discussion
Plenary CWG call this morning. There was overwhelming support for one or more of the Sidley team to attend Istanbul.
Suggestions from Sidley:
- Holly Gregory (team lead/ governance)
- Sharon Flanagan (CA Law)
- Ed McNicholas or Vivek Mohan
Greg and Maarten were statisfied with two in-person attendees.
Request and recommendation from Client Committee is that Holly and Sharon participate in person and coordinate the rest of the team to participate remotely where needed.
Action (Grace) Follow up with Holly and Sharon to arrange logistics
Holly and team is working on high-level FAQ type responses to the questions in the legal advice document.
Will defer jurisdictional discussion to later date
Action (Holly/Sidley): Reply to mailing list with provisional scope of work to set expectations for CWG
The integrated model has been developped since the 4 models were discussed. This newer model is just as much a part of the work as the other. However, Jonathan notes that the integrated model goes beyond the scope of the CWG and attempts to propose a solution for the 2 other communities as well (numbers and protocol parameters). The model has not been assessed by those other communities yet.
Questions/Issues discussed during Diligence session:
- Authorization Function
20 observers (approx) have been added to the mailing list. They are 'read-only' participants
Chat Transcript
Holly Gregory:Good morning. Request that we change order of agenda to discuss Deliverables and expectations for Istanbul first
Grace Abuhamad:Ok will do
Holly Gregory:Thanks!
Greg Shatan:Waiting for operator.
Grace Abuhamad:@Josh -- when you want to speak, you can unmute your mic (or I can help you do that)
Maarten Simon, SIDN:sorry for being late
Maarten Simon, SIDN:secondly, I have to leave at 10 before the hour
Holly Gregory:ive lost audio
Grace Abuhamad:Would you like a dial out Holly?
Holly Gregory:im on
Greg Shatan:A fair observation.
Maarten Simon, SIDN:agree
Holly Gregory:Grace, at some point today can you send to me and to Sharon information about dates and times of Istanbul meetings and locations -- and whether there is a hotel that we should use.
Grace Abuhamad:Yes, will do. I'll add that as my action
Grace Abuhamad:We may want to book the hotel for you, since we have a specific block
Grace Abuhamad:We'll discuss via email
Holly Gregory:Thanks!
Josh Hofheimer:I lost audio. Rec me ting
Grace Abuhamad:You're back Josh :)
Grace Abuhamad:of course
Greg Shatan:Josh, I always use the mute button on my phone, and not the one in Adobe Connect.... I don't get the cute red slash, but it works 100% of the time....
Grace Abuhamad:@Greg -- He's on mobile. It's a bit different.
Greg Shatan:My mobile (iPhone 6) has a very nice mute button.... :-)
Holly Gregory:Apologies. I must sign off. for a prior schduled appointment.
Grace Abuhamad:Thanks Holly. Have a good day
Maarten Simon, SIDN:I would say, the MRT is supoosed to be the community that would take over the oversight role of NTIA
Josh Hofheimer:is it possible to circulate a copy of the meeting notes to the Sidley team after the call? thanks
Grace Abuhamad:Of course
Lise Fuhr:Hello I am on audio now
Maarten Simon, SIDN:welcome Lise
Lise Fuhr:Thank you Maarten
Grace Abuhamad:They are also posted on the CWG's Wiki along with recording and transcripts, but I admit these are harder to find if you are not familiar with the CWG work. I'll circulate them on list.
Grace Abuhamad:
Josh Hofheimer:apologies but I will have to sign off in 2 minutes. thank you for the time this morning. Josh
Grace Abuhamad:Thanks Josh!
Greg Shatan:20 "observers" on top of the participants.
Maarten Simon, SIDN:thnks bye