

As part of the action items from Meeting #21 on 11 February 2015, the CWG-Stewardship committed to developing a required reading list. Below is the list of documents included as part of the required reading list: 

Proposals Submitted to ICG

CWG Documents

IANA Functions Contract and Related Documentation 

SSAC Documentation 

  • SAC-067 - SSAC Overview & History of the IANA Functions (15 August 2014)
  • SAC-068 - SSAC Report on the IANA Functions Contract (10 October 2014)
  • SAC-069 - SSAC Advisory on Maintaining the Security and Stability of the IANA Functions Through the Stewardship Transition (10 December 2014)

*For the translated documents, see https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/documents-2012-02-25-en

Basic Facts and FAQs

ccNSO/ccTLD Documentation

GNSO Documentation

To be added