Phase 1 Documents
Task 12: Deliberation on Fundamental Requirements
The RDS PDP WG started its Phase 1 deliberations on key concepts, using the following document as a guide:
KeyConceptsDeliberation-WorkingDraft-13Feb2018.docx and PDF
List of WG Agreements to Date (as of 13 February 2018) - excerpted from Working Draft above
Previous drafts can be found by reviewing "Attachments" to this page.
In addition, drafting teams were formed to flesh out possible purpose definitions:
List of Drafting Teams:
Final Outputs produced by Drafting Teams as input to full WG deliberation:
- Consolidated Final Outputs: Consolidated Final Outputs produced by Drafting Teams as input to full WG deliberation.pdf
- Consolidated Final Outputs: Consolidated Final Outputs produced by Drafting Teams as input to full WG deliberation.pdf
This consolidated outputs document incorporates all of the individual Draft Team outputs:
- DT1: DNS Research Appended PDF and DOC
- DT2: Domain Name Management Appended PDF and DOC
- DT2: Individual Internet Use Appended PDF and DOC
- DT3: Domain Name Certification Appended PDF and DOC
- DT4: Domain Name Purchase/Sale Appended PDF and DOC
- DT5: Regulatory Appended PDF and DOC
- DT5: ICANN Contractual Enforcement Appended PDF and DOC
- DT6: Legal Actions Appended PDFand DOC
- DT7: Criminal Activity/DNS Abuse Investigation Appended PDF and DOC
- DT7: Criminal Activity/DNS Abuse Notification Appended PDF and DOC
- DT7: Criminal Activity/DNS Abuse Reputation Appended PDF and DOC
As this PDP has now been terminated, the above draft outputs reflect work-in-progress through the WG's final meeting at ICANN61.
Prior to PDP termination, WG member polls used to gather informal input to on-going WG deliberations are listed below.
Task 8: Developing a Possible Requirements List
The RDS PDP WG extracted from key input documents and other sources a comprehensive and inclusive list possible requirements for gTLD registration directory services and data.The latest draft of that initial list is:
- Draft 5: RDS PDP Initial List of Possible Requirements for gTLD registration data and directory services (28 October 2016) [PDF] and [DOC]
- An Excel workbook version is also available for filtering: PRSpreadsheets-D5Triage-28October.xlsx
- (Hint: Set all column filters to "All" to view all rows)
For a list of key input documents and assignments for WG members to extract further possible requirements from those sources, visit this Sign-Up Sheet.
In addition, the RDS PDP WG completed the following preparatory steps before beginning deliberation:
- Drafting a problem statement for this PDP WG (task completed)
- Drafting a representative set of example use cases (task completed)
- Drafting a registration data and directory service statement of purpose (work in progress)
Task 4: Summarizing Key Inputs
Summaries of key inputs were identified to inform the RDS PDP WG work plan:
- Users/Purposes: Who should have access to gTLD registration data and why (for what purposes)?
- Summary of Key Inputs on Purpose - Final Template PDF and DOC (draft, 2 May) , contains and supercedes
- Checklist of Inputs on Purpose Identified and Reviewed (completed, last updated April 29)
- Purpose Team Consolidated Summaries PDF and DOC (draft, last updated April 29)
- Purpose Sub-Team - Questions template - upd 26 April 2016.doc (draft, from April 26 meeting)
- Above documents developed by sub-team
- Summary of Key Inputs on Purpose - Final Template PDF and DOC (draft, 2 May) , contains and supercedes
- Data Elements: What data should be collected, stored, and disclosed?
- Summary of Key Inputs on Data - Final Template PDF and DOC (draft, 5 May) , contains and supercedes
- Checklist of Inputs on Data Identified and Reviewed (in progress, last updated April 29)
- Data Team Consolidated Summaries PDF and DOC (draft, last updated April 19)
- Data Sub-Team - Questions template - updated 26 April 2016.doc (draft, from April 26 meeting)
- Above documents developed by sub-team
- Summary of Key Inputs on Data - Final Template PDF and DOC (draft, 5 May) , contains and supercedes
- Privacy: What steps are needed to protect data and privacy?
- Summary of Key Inputs on Privacy - Final Template PDF and DOC (draft, 24 May) , contains and supercedes
- Checklist of Inputs on Privacy Identified and Reviewed (in progress, last updated April 24)
- Privacy Team Consolidated Summaries PDF and DOC (draft, last updated April 24)
- Privacy Sub-Team - Questions template - updated 26 April 2016.doc (draft, from April 26 meeting)
- Above documents developed by sub-team
- Summary of Key Inputs on Privacy - Final Template PDF and DOC (draft, 24 May) , contains and supercedes