Problem Statement Drafting Team Workspace
Problem Statement for the RDS PDP WG – 23 August 2016 – Final Text
The Next Generation Registration Directory Service (RDS) PDP Working Group has been tasked with defining the policies associated with an improved RDS that will meet the (domain name) needs of the existing global Internet and accommodate changes already anticipated, should it be determined that a new RDS is required. The core problem will be to deal with the tension among the varied and competing views of stakeholders on key issues while respecting rules, regulations, and laws that vary widely from region to region. Consumers, the domain name industry, governments, law enforcement bodies, intellectual property owners, security practitioners, registrants, end-users, and other stakeholders all have interests in an RDS system that contains accurate and complete data, and which is secure, resilient, accessible, auditable, and of sufficient performance. These stakeholders have varying requirements regarding the particular data that should be collected and the conditions under which it should be viewed. Supporting various stakeholders within the RDS fairly and pragmatically, with their varied priorities, requires the Working Group to review the purpose of the RDS that supports it. This understanding will enable the Working Group to satisfy its charter. Note that this problem statement is meant as a tool to aid in discussion, consistent with but not a constraint on the Working Group and its Charter. |
Problem Statement for RDS PDP WG - 23 August - Final Text
At the 28 July 2016 RDS PDP WG F2F meeting, a group of WG members volunteered to draft a concise, tight problem statement, consistent with the PDP Final Issue Report and approved WG Charter.
Mailing List
The mailing list created for this drafting team to carry out this assignment is
The archive for this mailing list is available at
Draft Documents
A redlined draft RDS Problem Statement was distributed to the WG for review after the 17 August WG call:
This redlined draft has been progressed via WG email list discussion; the latest version is:
- RDS PDP WG Problem Statement - Clean 22 August - Ayden response to Chuck comments.pdf and
RDS PDP WG Problem Statement - Clean 22 August - Ayden response to Chuck comments.docx
Earlier team drafts and comments can also be found at this link:
The drafting team may choose to post additional documents in this workspace to collaborate with each other and share drafts with the full WG.