Volunteers for Leadership Team
Volunteers for Leadership Team
To date, seven expressions of interest have been received to serve on the RDS PDP WG Leadership Team. The information provided as part of these expressions of interest as well as a link to the Statement of Interest of the candidates has been collated below in the order in which they have been received.
Statement of Interest: Liz Williams SOI
- Existing Stakeholder Group affiliations (if any) - None at present but historically I have worked within the Registrars, Registries, Business Constituency and the ccNSO
- Relevant past PDP(s) or WG(s) in which you participated - I have worked within the ICANN environment since 1999, commencing my work within the ccNSO as an elected board director of .auDA. At that time, I chaired a diverse stakeholder group that devised binding contractual conditions for Australian registrars. Since then I have worked for and within ICANN in a variety of projects including:
- the 2004 new top level domain application process, chairing the Sponsorship and Other Issues Evaluation Committee. Subsequently served as an expert witness in the ICM Registry/ICANN international arbitration
- lead ICANN staff member for the 2005 policy development process for the introduction of new TLDs which led to the 2012 round of new TLDs
- lead ICANN staff member for the 2006 policy development process for registry contractual terms and conditions which developed modified registry terms and conditions
- supporting more than 40 applications for new TLDs for a wide variety of applicants through application, evaluation and contract signing
- 2015 co-chair of the new TLDs Subsequent Rounds working group to draft materials for discussion of the next round of new TLDs
- More information and publications can be found at http://www.lizwilliams.net/.
- Leadership experience- I have held a wide variety of leadership positions and am currently developing a portfolio of board directorships focused on IT and higher education and the digital economy. I am a member of Women on Boards (UK & Australia), ISOC and Women in Telecoms and Technology.
- Perspective on the WHOIS issues and RDS - I am very familiar with all the complex and very complicated issues surrounding the progression from legacy WHOIS requirements to a new RDS. I do not, however, have any preconceived ideas about what policy recommendations may arise from this policy development process. Balancing the obligations of ICANN contracted parties with the rights and responsibilities of other stakeholders is a delicate balance that will continually evolve.
- Ability to devote sufficient time- I have the time available to devote to the project and fulfil the requirements of the role and for the full term of the process. I have some ideas about facilitating effective working procedures and processes to manage the very large membership group and the observers and would work with the ICANN policy staff and the leadership group to analyse what could work best.
- Preference for chair/co-chair or vice-chair position, if any - I would prefer to act as the independent chair and provide support and assistance to four other vice chairs which may come from the Stakeholder Groups, as outlined in the call yesterday. However, I am equally willing to act as a vice chair and provide the same level of input, expertise and commitment.
Statement of Interest: Michele Neylon SOI
- Existing Stakeholder Group affiliations (if any) - I am currently chair of the RrSG.
- Relevant past PDP(s) or WG(s) in which you participated - I’ve served on multiple PDPs and Wgs over the past 8+ years, including the EWG and several other whois related activities
- Leadership experience - I’ve chaired several PDPs as well as being Chair of the RrSG for the past 3 years
- Perspective on the WHOIS issues and RDS - As a European registrar my views on whois have been made public many times over the years. We (Blacknight) have been embroiled in multiple “battles” with ICANN in relation to privacy. Essentially I believe that whois is used as a political football by interested parties and that there is a complete lack of both expertise and respect in relation to privacy legislation and needs within the current system. However I am also very conscious of the varied uses of whois data for legitimate (and illegitimate) uses which have developed over the past 20 years.
- Ability to devote sufficient time - I believe that I can do this
- Preference for chair/co-chair or vice-chair position, if any. - I’m supportive of the co-chair type scenario, but am open to whatever the group is happy with (within reason)
Statement of Interest: Susan Kawaguchi SOI
- Existing Stakeholder Group affiliations (if any) Business Constituency – Commercial Stakeholder Group
- Relevant past PDP(s) or WG(s) in which you participated
- Whois Working group – 2006
- Whois Review Team
- Thick Whois WG
- GNSO Council
- Chaired GNSO/Board to create framework for the Next Generation RDS PDP
- Leadership experience – Although I have not chaired a PDP WG I have spent considerable time on ICANN working groups and contributing to the discussion of WHOIS within ICANN. As a GNSO councilor representing the BC I participate in the leadership of our constituency. In my day to day job I lead on multiple initiatives with internal and external resources.
- Perspective on the WHOIS issues and RDS - The WHOIS issue is complex and thorny. Changing a protocol that will be implemented globally and adhere to applicable law internationally requires much thought and input from our multi-stakeholder community. All the discussions have led us on this path and I look forward to answering the questions of Phase 1 of this PDP. The WHOIS record has developed into an essential tool for domain name management and protection of internet users in my position at Facebook but requires the balance of protecting privacy and access. The WHOIS issue is what brought me to ICANN in 2006 and it continues to be a core issue.
- Ability to devote sufficient time - I can commit to the time needed to contribute to the leadership of this PDP.
- Preference for chair/co-chair or vice-chair position, if any – vice-chair or co-chair position. - If selected as a member of the leadership team I will then remove myself as GNSO council liaison to this PDP to insure there are no conflicts of responsibilities.
Statement of Interest: Holly Raiche SOI
- Existing Stakeholder Group affiliations (if any) - ALAC
- Relevant past PDP(s) or WG(s) in which you participated - I have participated in many GNSO WGs starting in 2009 on the review of the RAA, the IRTP-D WG and working groups involved with registration directory services issues, as well as either drafting or assisting drafting ALAC statements on those issues.
- Leadership experience - I was Chair of APRALO and am now on the leadership team of the ALAC
- Perspective on the WHOIS issues and RDS - Clearly, I agree with the many statements the ALAC has made on registration data issues. On a personal level, I was one of the founding members of the Australian Privacy Foundation and am on its telecommunications policy committee, and therefore come with a background of data protection issues
- Ability to devote sufficient time - I believe I can devote the time required
- Preference for chair/co-chair or vice-chair position, if any. - I would prefer Vice-chair but am happy to serve in whatever capacity required.
Statement of Interest: Chuck Gomes SOI
- Existing Stakeholder Group affiliations (if any) - Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG); note that there are other RySG participants who have joined the RDS PDP WG so, if I am selected as a leader of the RDS PDP WG, I will let them be the primary representatives of the RySG.
- Relevant past PDP(s) or WG(s) in which you participated - I have been actively involved in ICANN policy development since ICANN’s first full year in 1999. During that time I actively tracked all of the Whois activity and led RySG comment development efforts on many of the requests for comments, including most recently the Expert Working Group, but I was not a member of the EWG. Recent involvement has included the following: CWG Stewardship, GNSO Review Working Party, Policy & Implementation WG, and ICANN Finance Ad-Hoc WG.
- Leadership experience - Here is some of my more recent ICANN related leadership experience:
- As part of the CWG Stewardship, I served as the lead for the development of the first two sections of the proposal and also led two design teams.
- I co-chaired the Policy & Implementation WG.
- I represented the RySG on the GNSO Council from 2007 to 2010.
- I served as vice chair of the GNSO Council in 2008 and 2009.
- I served as chair of the GNSO Council in 2010.
- Perspective on the WHOIS issues and RDS - My personal perspective on Whois issues over the years has been one of balancing the need of access to registration data with the need for privacy. As an employee of Verisign, the registry for .com, .net, .name and now several new gTLDs, we have customers who are on all sides of Whois issues.
- Ability to devote sufficient time - First of all let me say that I have approval from my Verisign management to serve on the leadership team if the WG so decides. Second, let me say that two of the other policy related activities that I am still involved with appear to be winding down: CWG Stewardship and GNSO Review Working Party. Third, let me say that I can only commit to serving in a leadership role for Phase 1 because I am getting close to retirement or at least partial retirement; if possible, I plan to stay active in Phases 2 & 3 but may not be able to serve in a leadership capacity.
- Preference for chair/co-chair or vice-chair position, if any - I am willing to serve in whatever capacity the WG supports.
Statement of Interest: Karnika Seth SOI
- Existing Stakeholder Group affiliations (if any) - I am Legal Advisor to the National Internet Exchange of India and Office of Comptroller of Certifying Authorities in India. However, I am participating in this PGP in solely in my Individual capacity in order to contribute all I can to this important PGP.I am enrolled as an Advocate with Bar council of Delhi since 2000 and am Member of the Supreme Court of India Bar Association and manage a Delhi based law firm , Seth Associates. I recently established a Not for Profit venture for cyberawareness , www.firengo.com. I have a degree in Masters in Law from the King’s college in U.K and had graduated in law (LL.B) from Delhi University in 2000.
- Relevant past PDP(s) or WG(s) in which you participated - I have participated in many WGs at National Internet Exchange of India(NIXI). I was appointed as Legal expert in the Committee that considered ICANN’s proposal to introduce new domain name strings with possible Indian connection and response was prepared by the Committee to the ICANN’s Proposal in 2013.I also acted as Legal Expert Member in Committee constituted by NIXI to introduce .bharat domain in India in 2015. Further, I scrutinized all applications as legal expert in Committee constituted by NIXI to introduce domain names in Regional languages of India in 2014-15. I co-opted to the Official Consultation Group for developing Social Media related laws in India under guidance of the Ministry for Information Technology. I was also Member of the Expert consultation Group constituted by the Kerela State Commission for Protection of Child Rights to strengthen online child protection laws in India.
- Leadership experience - Apart from participating as Legal Expert in above mentioned Committees, I also handle litigation matters pertaining to domain name disputes and cybercrime before the Supreme Court of India and Delhi High Court. I have been fortunate to gain from experience of drafting the comprehensive e-filing process to file litigation matters before the Supreme Court of India. I was also consulted by the Lok Sabha, ( the Indian Parliament) to prepare a white paper with my recommendations to make new Privacy law in India. Besides active Cyberlaws practice ( both contentious and non contentious) , and managing my law firm , Seth Associates, I have been Visiting faculty on Cyberlaws to the National Judicial Academy, National Police Academy, National Investigation Authority and , Central Bureau of Investigations and reputed institutions such as Indian Law Institute and Indian Institute of Management . Such interaction with different stakeholders, government bodies/ private businesses/educational institutions/ corporate houses , foreign delegations and Professional Associations has given me a rich experience of analyzing loopholes in cyber law and legislative and enforcement challenges too. From time to time, I have volunteered and submitted comprehensive recommendations to strengthen cyber laws, not just at national level but from a global standpoint. I am pleased to intimate that I received the Digital Empowerment Award for the year 2015 from Government of India and Broadband India Forum. Also, I received the Law Day Award from the Chief Justice of India for authoring the book titled ‘Protection of children on Internet’ in 2015 and book titled ‘Computers, Internet & New Technology Laws’ (lexis nexis publication) in 2012. Being an Author, I am quite comfortable researching and reading long documentation/ebooks and other materials and able to analyse issues minutely and prepare lengthy documents in a structured manner.
- Perspective on the WHOIS issues and RDS - I am quite familiar with legal challenges to creating a WHO is policy framework and have legal knowledge pertaining to Privacy, data protection, Jurisdiction ,Intellectual Property and related issues .
- Ability to devote sufficient time - I believe I can devote the time that will be required in this process in all three stages .
- Preference for chair/co-chair or vice-chair position, if any. - I would prefer Chair but will be pleased to serve in whatever capacity Group thinks I can serve best.
Statement of Interest: David Cake SOI
- Existing Stakeholder Group affiliations - I am currently a GNSO Councillor for the Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group. I am a member (and a former Chair) of the Non-Commercial Users Constituency within the NCSG. I participate in ICANN representing Electronic Frontiers Australia, a civil society organisation (a non-profit civil rights group focused on digital rights).
- Relevant past PDP(s) or WG(s) in which you participated - I have participated in several past PDPs, most recently I was an active member of the PPSAI working group, which recently delivered its report. I’m also currently a member of the GAC-GNSO Coordination Group. In the past I was a member of the Security Stability and Resiliency Review Team.
- Leadership experience - I have been among other ICANN leadership positions Vice-Chair of the GNSO Council for the past two years, Chair of the Non-Commercial Users Constituency. and Executive Committee of the NCUC and I am currently a GNSO Councillor (in my 4th term). I have also held leadership roles outside ICANN, in particular I am the Chair of the board of Electronic Frontiers Australia.
- Perspective on the WHOIS issues and RDS - I am a privacy rights advocate, but I do not consider myself to have deep expertise in this area compared to, for example, those with experience working for data protection agencies. I am familiar with issues such as Intellectual property, law enforcement jurisdiction, etc that I believe will be significant in the WG (some of the issues addressed in the PPSAI working group will be looked at again in the broader context here, for example). I am familiar with most of the ICANN structures and processes, and I think I have a good understanding of the many areas that the WHOIS debate touches, and its long history at ICANN (and prior to ICANN). I believe the work of this group is vital, and fully support the goal of a new, more technologically flexible and modern, framework for the services now provided by WHOIS. While this is a GNSO Working Group, I think if this effort is to succeed it will need to reach well beyond the GNSO. I have a strong technical background, including security, and I believe there are many technical and security considerations that will be relevant to the work of this group, and I want to ensure that they are dealt with thoroughly.
- Ability to devote sufficient time - Now I’m no longer a GNSO council vice-chair, I seem to have fewer ICANN responsibilities. This group would be an appropriate way to fill that time. I believe I have the ability to devote sufficient time to this effort.
- Preference for chair/co-chair or vice-chair position, if any. - I do not wish to be chair, and support Chuck as eminently qualified for that role. I would accept a co-chair position if asked, but would prefer a vice-chair role.