SG/C/SO/AC Input
SG/C/SO/AC Input
Per the GNSO Council's motion: "The WG, when convened, is instructed to reach out to all SG/Cs for additional feedback on any items that they believe should be considered that may not have been specifically called out in the charter. The WG is also expected to consider input already provided by SG/C during the public comment period on the Preliminary Issue Report."
Early Outreach Request for Input:
Outreach request #1 | RDS PDP - SO AC SG C Input Template - Final - 11 May 2016.doc | Outreach request #1 - input received |
Outreach request #2 | Next Generation RDS PDP WG 2nd Outreach Message FINAL.docx |
Additional inputs will be added upon receipt. See also Public Comments on Issue Report.