Work Plans/Timelines
On the 24th October 2018, the GNSO Council voted in favour of the motion to terminate the Next-Generation gTLD Registration Directory Service (RDS) to replace WHOIS Policy Development Process.
- Read the GNSO Council Resolution to Terminate the Next-Generation RDS to replace WHOIS PDP
- Read the RDS PDP Termination Summary
For historical purposes, listed below are WG work plans developed prior to RDS PDP termination.
- Original RDS PDP WG Phase 1 Work Plan (as approved by WG, 13 May 2016)
- Updated RDS PDP WG Phase 1 Work Plan - as of October 2016 (posted 17 October 2016)
- Latest RDS PDP WG Phase 1 Work Plan - as of June 2017 (posted 24 June 2017)
based on
Next-Gen gTLD RDS to replace WHOIS PDP Mind Map (draft, as of 9 February, input to Phase 1 Work Plan)
RDS-PDP-Phase1-ProposedWorkPlanChanges (ongoing, as of 16 March, input to Phase 1 Work Plan)
RDS-PDP-Phase1-FundamentalQs-SubQs-MindMap-2May 2016.pdf (draft, as of 2 May, input to Phase 1 Work Plan)
ICANN57-Slide10-MindMap-3Questions.pdf (extract from above, used to start deliberations at ICANN57)
Possible approach to consensus v13 clean - 18 Jul 16.docx (agreed refinements to Phase 1 Work Plan)
RDSPDP-Task12-Revised-24June2017.pdf (revised approach to Phase 1 Task 12, applied to 24 June work plan update)