22 February @21:00 UTC

22 February @21:00 UTC


Members: Nigel Roberts, Annebeth Lange, Martin Boyle, Barbara Povse, Danko Jevtovic, Peter Van Roste, Patricio Poblete, Peter Vergote, Maarten Simon, Debbie Monahan, Svitlana Tkachenko, Monica Solino

Observers/Experts: Jaap Akkerhuis, Naela Sarras, Allan MacGillivray, Becky Burr

Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson, joke Braeken

Apologies: Kim Davies


- Welcome roll call
- Comments received to date
o Annebeth
o Patricio
o Allan
- Second read of the charters
- Next step: update base don todays reading and final adoption
- Closure



Chat transcript:

Kimberly Carlson:Hello, welcome
Monica Soliño - UYNIC:hello
Bart Boswinkel:Hi All
Monica Soliño - UYNIC:Hi all
Annebeth Lange:Hi everybody!
Joke Braeken:hello everyone.
martin boyle, Nominet:Hi all
5258:5258 stands for Barbara :-)
Naela Sarras:hi all
Kimberly Carlson:Thanks Barbara
martin boyle, Nominet:Obvious, huh!
Danko Jevtović .RS:Hallo everyone
Barbara:Thanks, Kimberly :-)
Patricio Poblete:Hello everyone
Kimberly Carlson:certainly
Maarten Simon:Hi
Peter Van Roste (CENTR):Hi Everyone!
Allan MacGillivray (.ca):Hello, everyone.
Peter Vergote (.be):Good evening, morning, afternoon, whatever all
Svitlana Tkachenko, .UA:Hello everyone!
martin boyle, Nominet:DTB?
Allan MacGillivray (.ca):I agree - yes.
Naela Sarras:@Joke please record Kim's apologies.He is not on the call because he has a conflict
Kimberly Carlson:@Naela - noted
Allan MacGillivray (.ca):B
Monica Soliño - UYNIC:yes
Kimberly Carlson:Doc can be scrolled
Danko Jevtović .RS:I agree with Annebeth - 2.1.1. is not very clear regarding ccNso chair
Becky Burr:hi folks. Is there a call in number? Do I need to do anything so you don't hear my background typing?
Kimberly Carlson:1800 550 6865
Kimberly Carlson:ID 5258
Kimberly Carlson:*6 to mute, *7 to unmute
Kimberly Carlson:or you can PM me your number and i can dial out to you
Becky Burr:'m in
Patricio Poblete:or "is comprised of"?
Allan MacGillivray (.ca):The H\heading could be 'Particpation in the WG"
Patricio Poblete:The working grup is comprised of members, who shall be representatives of ccTLDs, participants from other stakeholder groups, observers and experts.
Annebeth Lange:OK, Bart, as long as "at least" is interpreted in that way
Annebeth Lange:Since it does not say that participants should be open for ccTLDs - in the addition to the members - which has a different position
Maarten Simon:point is that there are already in this call around 8 members from Europe
Danko Jevtović .RS:Is the ccNSO chair automatically a member of the WG?
martin boyle, Nominet:@ Nigel: agree
Annebeth Lange:This is a ccNSO PDP, so it is natural that ccTLDs will be overrepresented
martin boyle, Nominet:better to have the discussion
Bart Boswinkel:@ Danko No by defition
Danko Jevtović .RS:And Europe usually has more active cc managers the North America. 😊
Danko Jevtović .RS:@Bart then 2.1.1. mentioning ccNSO chair was unclear to me
Annebeth Lange:Why not also include ccNSO under participants anad observers? It might easily be ccTLDs that want to be included in the discussions without being appointed as members by the council, or even be observers merely
Maarten Simon:thanks for the clarification
martin boyle, Nominet:thank you
martin boyle, Nominet:@Nigel +1
martin boyle, Nominet:we should be aiming at developing good consensus, not polarising votes
Annebeth Lange:That made it clearer, Bart.
Annebeth Lange:Thank you and good bye!
Becky Burr:bye
Naela Sarras:thank you
Joke Braeken:bye all
Maarten Simon:Thanks and bye
Allan MacGillivray (.ca):Night all.
Patricio Poblete:bye!
Kimberly Carlson:Thank you, bye
Danko Jevtović .RS:cu
Svitlana Tkachenko, .UA:thanx . bye
Bart Boswinkel:Bye all
Monica Soliño - UYNIC:Thanks bye