11 January 2017
Members: Annebeth Lange, Barbara Povse, Danko Jevtovic, Maarten Simon, Martin Boyle, Nigel Roberts, Patricio Poblete, Peter Van Roste, Peter Vergote, Svitlana Tkachenko, Stephen Deerhake
Observers/liaisons and experts: Demi Getschko, Jaap Akkerhuis, Naela Sarras, Kim Davies (phone only)
Apologies: Eberhard Lisse (TBD)
• Welcome and Roll call
• Chair nomination
• Working method
• Material to date
o Presentation Hyderabad meeting
o Background document issues pertaining to review mechanism (as identified to date by BB)
• Next calls
o Every two weeks
o Rotational basis (share the burden)
- Issue to explore review mechanism January 2017.docx
- Issue to explore review mechanism January 2017.pdf
- presentation-ccnso-pdp-review-mechanism-retirement-06nov16-en-1.pdf
- presentation-ccnso-pdp-review-mechanism-retirement-06nov16-en-1.pptx
- Working Method drafting team.pptx
Chat Transcript:
Kimberly Carlson:Welcome Barbara and Peter
Barbara Povse:Hi, Kimberly!
Barbara Povse:And Peter :-)
Peter Vergote:Hi Kim and Barbara ;-)
Bart Boswinkel:Hi All
Peter Vergote:Hi Bart
Joke Braeken:hi All
Kimberly Carlson:Hello, all - welcome.
jaap akkerhuis:Hi all.
Annebeth Lange:Hello everybody, Happy New Year!
Joke Braeken:happy New Year!
Peter Van Roste (CENTR):Hi Everyone!
Kimberly Carlson:As a reminder to all - this call is being recorded
Kimberly Carlson:Welcome Svitlana - we are still doing an introduction
Svitlana Tkachenko:Hello and Happy New Year for all!
demi getschko:Happy 2017!
Danko Jevtović .RS:yes
Annebeth Lange:Sounds fine, Bart
Svitlana Tkachenko:yes, it's ok
Barbara Povse:ok
Kimberly Carlson:Welcome Nigel
nigel:Thanks Kim
Barbara Povse:ok
Annebeth Lange:Yes, Bart
Danko Jevtović .RS:yes
Svitlana Tkachenko:yes
martin boyle, Nominet:Looks like a plan to me
Annebeth Lange:How to decide which of the two proposed time schemes for calls should be chosen?
Annebeth Lange:For those in Europe on summertime 23 UTC will be 1 am. Not a good time. 22 UTC is midnight when summer time, late enough.
Peter Vergote:I'm in favor of the 11-18-22 option.
Annebeth Lange:Me too, Peter
nigel:I have no obtkections to those times
Kimberly Carlson:Hello, Patricio
Kimberly Carlson:Would a 12:00 and 20:00 UTC rotation work better for everyone?
Annebeth Lange:For me, this is perfect
Barbara Povse:Me too
Svitlana Tkachenko:Kimberly - yes, it's better
nigel:It would work better for me .. but I don't mind a little inconvenience
Peter Vergote:Would work well, Kim
martin boyle, Nominet:fine, Bart
Annebeth Lange:I agree that this is a good solution
Patricio Po9blete:12 and 23 UTC would be better for me
Patricio Po9blete:(and please forgive the typo in my name!)
Annebeth Lange:Could we do a doodle, Bart, to see who can attend in 2 weeks?
Annebeth Lange:Thank you, Bart!
Naela Sarras:Thank you everyone
Kimberly Carlson:Thank you all, bye
Peter Van Roste (CENTR):Thanks Bart!
Barbara Povse:Thank you, Bart
Joke Braeken:Thank you, bye!
Danko Jevtović .RS:thanks
Svitlana Tkachenko:Thank you!
jaap akkerhuis:Bye all!]
Patricio Po9blete:Good bye!
Peter Vergote:Txs, Bart. Cu all later