21 December 2015
Participants: Mirjana Tasic, Margarita Valdes, Alejandra Reynoso, Katrina Sataki, Ben Fuller, Dejan Djukic, Lesley Cowley, David McAuley
Apologies: Eduardo Santoyo, Stephen Deerhake
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson
- Status Quo: Action items (https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ccnsowkspc/Action+Items)
- Next steps
- Next call
- Merry Christmas and Happy (and Productive) New Year
Review action items:
Guidelines ccNSO Council meetings
Margarita lead. Katrina send comments. Request others to provide comments.
Margarita comment: include quorum rule for Council meetings
Restructurign to meet current format. Including sugsestions to be included
Latest version Roles and Responsibilities.
Team agreed with current version. Start review by wider group
Action all: Reveiw R&R guideline and provide comments by next call
Charter ccNSO Programme WG, ready for submission
ccNSO Collaboration group with limited scope
Stephen requested to translate into
Stephen questions re comments. By next call
Review Triage committee charter.
Margarita. Quorum Council
Question: selection chair of Triage, members select a chair.
recommendation to have vice-chair included. Question whether it is practical. This is not a requirement.
Triage committee is 3 persons.
If vice-chair is member, then she or he is chair,
If not chair elected by committee
Question necessity of vice-chair to become chair of Triage committee. If someone else more capacity , why not become chair.
#3 , clarification chair of ccNSO)
Action Bart : clarify points made
Meetings Guideline
David comment: translation not big at all
Action staff: ASk Stephen to translate
Statement Guideline
Timelimits included
To be send around for comment by full group
- Next steps
Conclude current documents first, then start
- Next call
11 January 2016 (scheduled)
Margarita: Send comments to Katrina?
- Merry Christmas and Happy (and Productive) New Year