Improvement Members Voting Process

Improvement Members Voting Process

Proposed Improvement 

ActionsDescription Purpose ScopeExpected OutcomeStart Date End DateResults
Listing of ccTLDs
Inform community of voting behavior Board seat 12 vote Increase in number of voters 



Engaging ccTLDs in the Caribbean 
Engage ccTLDs in voting processTest with ccTLDs in the CaribbeanIncrease in voters from the Caribbean



Documentation of Voting Improvement Process 

Title DescriptionDate Link 
Voting Improvement Framework

Voting Improvement Framework.pdf
Kigali World Cafe Summary of the World Cafe Tables


Combined outcome World Café 13 June 2024.pdf

Summarized outcome World Café 13 June 2024.pdf


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Virtual World CafeSummary of the Virtual World Cafe Tables

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Background Material


Description DateLink
Guideline for Voting - Board NominationVoting Process to elect ccNSO appointed Board Members - Section 3.7 of the GuidelineDec 2022https://ccnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/field-attached/ccnso-nominations-icann-board-guideline-15dec22-en.pdf
Rules of the ccNSO ccNSO Members Voting Process on Council Oct 2022
Overview of Recent votingsOverview of participation in recent votings June 2024Voting numbers