22 November 2023 | 07:00 UTC
Tracker | Attendance, apologies, action items: see tracker |
Agenda | Proposed agenda
3. Follow-up Council discussion on WSIS+20 4. Reminder IGLC Action Plan a. Next topic: Internet Fragmentation. Planning ideas? 5. Reminder Heat map: review and next steps 5. Latest news from IGLC members (e.g. GDC updates, national, regional or global IGF) 7. AOB 8. Conclusion and next meetings Wed, 6 December | 13 UTC Wed, 20 December | 7 UTC Wed, 17 January | 13 UTC- revised Wed, 31 January | 7 UTC- revised Wed, 14 February | 13 UTC(TBC. Prep ICANN79) - revised Wed, 21 February | dry-run ICANN79 - revised ICANN79: 2-7 March
Documents, background, notes |
Recordings | |
Disclaimers |