8 November 2023 | 13:00 UTC

8 November 2023 | 13:00 UTC


TrackerAttendance, apologies, action items: see tracker

Proposed agenda

  1. Welcome
    1. New member: Demi Getschko (.br)
    2. Updated affiliation for Javier Rua (supported by .pr)
  2. Administrative matters
    1. Action items from previous meeting(s)
    2. Liaising with ICANN Government Engagement team
    3. Working session by IGLC during ICANN79?
    4. Heads up: ccNSO Statement of Interest process
  3. IGLC at ICANN78: looking back.
    1. IGLC working session on Saturday.
    2. WSIS+20 session on Tuesday & pre-meeting FAQ
    3. Other
    4. Future considerations
  4. Heat map: review and next steps
  5. Reminder IGLC Action Plan
    1. Next topic: Internet Fragmentation. Planning ideas?
  6. Latest news from IGLC members (e.g. GDC updates, national, regional or global IGF)
  7. AOB
  8. Conclusion and next meetings


Wed, 8 November | 13 UTC

Wed, 22 November | 7 UTC

Wed, 6 December | 13 UTC

Wed, 20 December | 7 UTC

Wed, 17 January | 13 UTC - revised

Wed, 31 January | 7 UTC - revised

Wed, 14 February | 13 UTC (TBC. Prep ICANN79) - revised

Wed, 21 February | dry-run ICANN79 - revised

ICANN79: 2-7 March

Documents, background, notes


    • Summary ICANN78 heat map


  • Previous editions of the heat map


  • Agenda item 5
    • Latest IGLC action plan


  • The high-level notes are designed to help the IGLC navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. Consult the notes here.