27 September 2023 - 15:00 UTC

27 September 2023 - 15:00 UTC

SOPC Teleconference with ICANN Planning and ccNSO Council 

Members:   Andreas Musielak, Irina Danelia, Nicholas Lisse, Barbara Povse, 

Council: Everton Rodriguez, Jenifer Lopez, Stephen Deerhake, Molehe Wesi, Alejandra Reynoso, NIck Wenban Smith, Biyi Oladipo, Sean Copeland, 

Guests:  Patricio Poblete (ICANN Board), Katrina Sataki (ICANN Board), Hadia Elminiawi

Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Kimberly Carlson, Paul Gueverra (ICANN org), Becky Nash (ICANN org), Xavier Calvez (ICANN org), Berry Cobb, Victoria Yang (ICANN org), 

Apologies:  Chris Disspain, Adam Eisner, David McAuley


Documents:  ccNSO SOPC 27 Sep 23 Meeting 9.25.pdf

Recording:  Zoom Playback

Chat Transcript:  Chat SOPC 27 Sept.txt

Notes / decisions made / Action Items: