27 April 2023 - 8:00 UTC

27 April 2023 - 8:00 UTC

SOPC Teleconference

Members:   Andreas Musielak, Irina Danelia, Chris Disspain, Hildah Maina, Biyi Oladipo, Rosemary Sinclair, Atsushi Endo, Leonid Todorov, Madison Wang, Leonid Todorov, 

Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Yesim Saglam, joke Braeken



1.  Welcome and roll call
2.  Summary of trend session
3.  Changes:  Revised ICANN FY24-28 Operating & Financial Plan and ICANNFY24 Operating Plan and Budget
4.  Review of comments on SOPC input (comparison doc)
5.  Review of Jamboard from ICANN76 (https://jamboard.google.com/d/1e9hstmQOkdNsY03lDDXYwh1OJd0RuXcri44xAUUYlMc/viewer[jamboard.google.com]) 
6.  Prep Washington, DC meeting (ICANN77)
7.  AOB
8.  Next meeting (possible planning/prep call with triage late May early June)

Recording:  Zoom Playback

Chat Transcript:  SOPC 27 April.txt

Notes / decisions made / Action Items: