19 December 2022 - 15:00 UTC (#3)
Members: Alejandra Reynoso, Irina Danelia, Segun Akano, Allan MacGillivray, Sean Copeland
Guest/Observer: Sabrina Wilkinson (.ca)
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Claudia Ruiz, Kim Carlson, Joke Braeken
Draft agenda:
Opening Implementation Subgroup- Welcome
Work to date
Recap of the 5 December session (Results 5 December etc. doc)
Combining the results (see overview GRC subgroup doc)
Compare and map overview with main items the GNSO & ICANN org documents
What are main items?
GNSO: IRT – Principles – Guidelines doc
ICANN org: CPIF doc
Map main items on Overview GRC
Next steps: detail the relevant topics
Next meetings Subgroup:
16 January 2023 Subgroup meeting
23 January 2023 Full Group meeting ( topics: SoI/CoI update & review WS 2 implementation status)
30 January 2023 Subgroup meeting
Recording: Zoom playback
Documents: (see google docs)
- Overview GRC Subgroup Implementation work session 5 December 2022.pdf
- CPIF_v2.0_2019CLEAN (1).pdf
- irt-principles-guidelines-23aug16-en.pdf
- Results 5 December exercises GRC SG on Implementation.pdf