11 July 2022 - 14:00 UTC

11 July 2022 - 14:00 UTC


Members:  Sean Copeland, Segun Akano, Stephen Deerhake, Mirjana Tasic, Alyssa Quinn

Guest/Observer:  Katrina Sataki

Staff:   Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson, Joke Braeken

Apologies:  David McAuley

Draft agenda:  
1.  Welcome
2.  Admin matters
                a.  Update from Council meeting
                b.  Update SoI/CoI subgroup
3.  Feedback ICANN74
4.  Review work items, prioritize and schedule (see attached)
5.  Next meetings
                a.  18 July – GRC Conflict of Interest SG | 14:00 UTC
                b.  25 July – GRC Full Group | 14:00 UTC
                c.  1 August – GRC Conflict of Interest SG | 14:00 UTC (TBD)
                d.  8 August – GRC Full Group | 14:00 UTC (TBD)
                e.  15 August – GRC Conflict of Interest SG | 14:00 UTC (TBD)
                f.  22 August – TBD
6.  AOB
7.  Closure

Recording:  Zoom playback


Chat transcript:  Chat GRC FG 11 July.txt