Tracker | Attendance records, apologies, action items: see tracker |
Agenda | - Welcome (5 min)
- Administrative matters (5 min)
- ICANN71 draft Feedback-on-Feedback
- Debrief Council follow-up ALAC ICANN71 session on ccTLD governance models
- Suggestions Katrina: MPC to suggest to OISC to develop a strategy
- ICANN72: virtual or hybrid? ICANN Board decision
- Execution of the MPC Action Plan
- Information exchange with Regional Organisations regarding return to face-to-face meetings (50 min)
- Presentations by RO’s (5 min per RO)
- Discussion (30 min)
- Kick-off planning for ICANN72 (15 min.)
- Closure and next meetings
Next MPC meetings, leading up to ICANN72: - 29 July | 14 UTC
- 12 Aug | 14 UTC
- 26 Aug | 14 UTC - cancelled
- 2 Sept | 14 UTC - new
Documents, Notes | - Agenda
- Agenda item 2.e: MPC Action Plan
- Agenda item 3: Presentations by RO's (CENTR slides)
- The high-level notes are designed to help the MPC navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. Consult the notes here.
Recordings | |
Disclaimers | |