11 February 2021 | 14 UTC

11 February 2021 | 14 UTC


Attendees & Apologiessee attendance tracker
  1. Welcome (3 min)
  2. Administrative matters (2 min)
    1. Action items previous meeting
  3. Confirmation agenda for the ccTLD News Session (10 min)
  4. Updates regarding the planning for ICANN70 (5 min)
    1. Plenary Sessions
    2. ccNSO members meeting
  5. Break-out session
    1. SWOT analysis part 1: Strengths & weaknesses of the MPC (15 min.)
    2. Reporting back (15 min, 5 min per group)
  6. AOB (5 min)
  7. Closure and next meetings (2 min)

    Thu, 25 Feb. 14 UTC
    Thu, 11 March 14 UTC
    Fri, 26 March 14 UTC (ICANN70 wrap-up)

  • agenda
  • agenda item 3: see the current presentation proposals here.
Notes & Action Items


Sessions are being archived and follow the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior. 

The high-level notes are designed to help the MPC navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. Consult the notes here.