29 November 2017
Members: Jordan Carter (.nz), Giovanni Seppia (.eu) on audio only
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Joke Braeken, Ria Otanes, Kimberly Carlson
Apologies: Alejandra Reynoso (.gt)
1. Welcome
2. Update on the Terms of Reference
final version sent to the group on 23 Nov. Has been sent to the ccNSO council for adoption at its next meeting on 7 December.
3. Consultation Document
3.1. Discussion first input
Based on the input provided in the brainstorming google document (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G43IGw8FizG3uEnsfmagb_XiHXjrc0T7p7x7SxPOyXk/edit?usp=sharing)[docs.google.com], a table was created, aimed at streamlining the discussion. For each of the 4 scope-topics the review will focus on, sub-questions were listed. For some sub-questions, a suggested implementation has been included as well, based on the input provided in the consultation document.
Please find a link to the table here:
3.2. Next steps
Action item #1: group members are invited to review the table (https://docs.google.com/a/icann.org/spreadsheets/d/10MJjouvWBMCG3GaZftfGMW6rwcjP_gKwWH169t55_68/edit?usp=sharing[docs.google.com] ) by mid next week (Wed, 6 December 2017, COB), and are kindly invited to:
· confirm, whether this method of working is indeed workable
· verify, whether the list of sub-questions and the other information included in the table is complete, and whether they indeed accurately reflect your suggestions.
· reflect on why the questions are being asked, and why the answer might be relevant
· add any comments or suggestions in the “comments” column in the google sheet.
Based on your input, we will have a rich source of information, leading into the next phase of the work of this group, which is coming up with a consultation document.
4. AOB
5. Closure
Next call: Wednesday, 13 December 2017 (17 UTC)
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