14 November 2017
Members: Alejandra Reynoso, Jordan Carter, Margarita Valdes, Mira Fajriyah
Staff: Joke Braeken, Bart Boswinkel, Kimberly Carlson
Apologies: Giovanni Seppia
1. Welcome
2. Terms of Reference: final version
3. Next steps
4. AOB
5. Closure
- Mp3
- Adobe Room
1. Welcome
apologies received are noted in the AC room and on the Wiki.
2. Terms of Reference: final version
Focus of this meeting: go one more time over the draft terms of reference.
Action item#1: secretariat to send out a clean version of the ToR for final review by the group. Deadline for the review: COB, Friday 24 November 2017.
- Scope: no further comments received
- Timeline: no further comments received
- Method: apart from the interviews and the online survey, also consider a whiteboarding exercise during the next ccNSO Members Meeting, where attendees need to list pros and cons for each of the options. Remote participants can equally participate and provide input via google document.
Suggestion by Alejandra: e.g. 3 groups, each group discusses one icann public meeting and how the ccNSO sessions fit in.
Reference to the interactive session at ICANN61 is to be included in the ToR.
Start preparing the session in January latest, so we get the most out of it. Kim mentioned that any logistical requirements should be known by 15 January at the latest, when the Secretariat needs to submit the session forms for ICANN61.
Jordan Carter mentions that open whiteboard and brainstorming is more useful, if we are generating the options. If we are discussing recommended changes or no-changes, then there will be less need for it. If we are still generating options in March then the review will take longer. We will get a broader response, if we make clear what the recommendations are, where there might be disagreements, and what the options are underneath those recommendations.
3. Next steps
- Action item #1: secretariat to send out a clean version of the ToR for final review by the group. The group has until COB, Friday 24 November 2017, to comment on that version.
- Action item #2: The secretariat is to send out a final version of the ToR to the council, after a consultation with Katrina: online voting, or to be discussed during the next ccNSO Council meeting on 7 December?
- Action item #3: The secretariat to share a link to a new google document, the consultation document.
- Action item #4: drafting team members are kindly invited to share brainstorm ideas for the Consultation document, including questions to ask, suggestions about what to propose, etc. The consultation document aims at further detailing the scope of the review. Input should be inserted in the google document referred to in action item #3
- Action item #5: the secretariat to send out doodle polls, to schedule 2 further calls, between now and the end-of-year holiday season.
4. AOB
5. Closure.
Thank you.
Chat transcript:
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Hi Mira
Joke Braeken:Welcome all :)
Joke Braeken:We will start shortly. Waiting for Jordan to dial in
Kimberly Carlson:Mira, we're unable to hear you - if you need a dial out, just send me a PM
Jordan Carter:good day everyone
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Hi Jordan :)
Jordan Carter:hi Alejandra! MIra! :)
Jordan Carter:and Kim!
Kimberly Carlson:Hi all, welcome
Jordan Carter:I should also type my notes up for you sorry - I forgot about them until just now
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:;)
Kimberly Carlson:200% is the max and keep the comments visible
Jordan Carter:makes sense to me
Jordan Carter:no new items no
Bart Boswinkel:Hi all
Kimberly Carlson:Bart, i think there is background noise from your line
Jordan Carter:Good idea Joke - a quick review of the final draft document
Bart Boswinkel:Muted my line
Bart Boswinkel:7 December
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:I agree too!
Jordan Carter:the 2.1 timeline I think works with your amendments
Bart Boswinkel:Do you want an additional call for volunteers?
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:should we, Bart? ;)
Jordan Carter:I think if we had 20 people it would be a nightmare
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:I agree with you Jordan :S
Jordan Carter:let's just go with who we have. we can be a great group. the greatest, best group. :)
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Yes!! B-)
Jordan Carter:(typing like donald trump)
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Hahaha :D !!
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Of course!!
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:The question is, how much time will be appropiate for this session?
Bart Boswinkel:90 minutes?
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:I like the whiteboard suggestion
Bart Boswinkel:If run like whiteboarding you need time and it becomes very strategic
Jordan Carter:once we know what we are recommending too
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:exactly Jordan :)
Jordan Carter:if we recommend radical changes then we will need more time to consider it
Jordan Carter:but if we recommend something that is minor adjustments then it should be simpler and quicker
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:we'll see what we come up with ;)
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:A member of the review team should be with every group of discussion
Bart Boswinkel:One o fhte issue is getitng remote participants engaged as well
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:to keep track of time and line of thought ;)
Bart Boswinkel:need to b ecreative about it
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Love the idea of the Google Doc!
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:one per group
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]::D
Jordan Carter:I feel like that kind of open whiteboard and brainstorming is more useful if we are generating the options - if we are discussing recommended changes or no-changes then there will be less need for it
Jordan Carter:if we are still generating options in March then the review will take longer
Bart Boswinkel:+!
Bart Boswinkel: Jordan
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Good point Jordan...
Kimberly Carlson:we will need to know logistically how the session will run - session forms are due 15 January
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Noted Kim
Jordan Carter:that's a good deadline for us then
Bart Boswinkel:Thanks Kim
Jordan Carter:For the record, I will be on summer holidays and unavailable for any ICANN work 22 December to 13 January
Kimberly Carlson:we an discuss, but should be fine
Jordan Carter:sorry, sunday 14 january
Jordan Carter:thanks!
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:I will be offline from 23 Dec to 3 Jan ;)
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Yes Joke, regarding the deadline for this week
Jordan Carter:yep
Jordan Carter:deadline fine
Bart Boswinkel:in teh mean time you do this in parrallel
Jordan Carter:should we send you brainstorm ideas for the first draft document - questions to ask, suggestions about what to propose, etc
Bart Boswinkel:no need to wait for formal decision
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Should we have another Google Doc for that, Joke? ;)
Jordan Carter:Google Doc would work nicely
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Thank you Joke! :)
Jordan Carter:all good - thakn you - no AOB for me
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:I agree with Bart :)
Margarita Valdes:bye :-)