Action Items: 2019-02-26 ALAC Monthly Teleconference
Action Items: 2019-02-26 ALAC Monthly Teleconference
- Maureen / Cheryl Langdon-Orr to re-examine regional designation for the ALS application from Guadeloupe (LACRALO, EURALO or NARALO?)
- Possibility of a joint ALAC/GAC statement at ICANN64 to be explored (Alan Greenberg )
- Maureen to launch a call for applications for the ALAC Liaison on the CSC.
- Gisella Gruber to send to the ALAC the ICANN64 workspace
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to create a Google doc for the Talking Points. Google doc to be open to At-Large people in Kobe. Not to be posted. The final version should be sent to At-Large members attending Kobe. Staff to provide them in hard copy.
- Tijani BEN JEMAA to follow up with Maureen and Staff re ARIWG leadership activities.