AC Chat: 2017-07-25 ALAC Monthly Teleconference
Gisella Gruber: (7/25/2017 20:56) Welcome to the ALAC Monthly call of July on Tuesday 25 July at 21:00 UTC
Gisella Gruber: (20:56) Agenda:
Alfredo Calderon: (21:52) Thank you. Hello to all!
Heidi Ullrich: (21:55) Welcome, Al!
Ricardo Holmquist: (21:57) Good day everyone
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (22:01) hi all,
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (22:02) feels like I have been on UCANN calls for 4 has since my 0309... Oh wait... I have been ;-)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (22:02) 4hrs
Ariel Liang: (22:03) that is the same person who went on the WP call
John Laprise: (22:03) We had this issue earlier today
Ariel Liang: (22:03) with the exact same phrase and tone
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (22:03) :-)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (22:04) indeed we did
Seun: (22:04) here on AC let's see if my bandwidth survives
Javier Rúa-Jovet: (22:05) hi!
Harold Arcos: (22:06) Hi all!, Hola estimados, bon soi
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (22:08) please unsync agenda
Harold Arcos: (22:09) Yes, I can
John Laprise: (22:09) No...speak up please
Sebastien: (22:09) No
John Laprise: (22:09) better
Sebastien: (22:09) a llittle
Aida Noblia: (22:09) Hi all
Gisella Gruber: (22:09) Welcome to everyone!
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (22:09) my only comment is again -- please unsybc agenda!
Gisella Gruber: (22:09) @ Olivier - done
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (22:09) ok thanks
Gisella Gruber: (22:09) @ Aida - would you like a dial-out?
Alberto Soto: (22:10) Hello everyone!
Aida Noblia: (22:11) Thank Gisella I am in the phone , spanish
Gisella Gruber: (22:11) Thank you Aida!
Ariel Liang: (22:13) GNSO Operating Procedures and ICANN Bylaws:
Gisella Gruber: (22:14) Cheryl - your audio is not good for interpreters
Gisella Gruber: (22:14) Please speak a little further away from your mic - thank you
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (22:15) sorry I will adjust my mix position
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (22:15) Mic not mix... darn auto correct
Gisella Gruber: (22:16) @ Cheryl - thank you very much!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (22:21) not from me
Gisella Gruber: (22:22) ALS Application Tracking page:
Gisella Gruber: (22:22) ALS Individual Members page:
Gisella Gruber: (22:22) (Members page - see tabs for the various RALOs)
Gisella Gruber: (22:22) Individual Members page that is - tabs for RALOs
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (22:23) thx Even, I like the new format shown
Javier Rúa-Jovet: (22:23) I'm also on holiday...
judith hellerstein: (22:24) We will have one less ISOC/ALS chapter likely in one month or two as that chapter is entering the ISOC Rejuvenation process which means that ISOC will shortly be decertifying that chapter and that means it will disappear from NARALO as well
judith hellerstein: (22:24) since it came as an ALS based on its ISOC status which will shortly disappear
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (22:25) My question is whether we are ready to accept all Internet Exchange Points into the ALAC:
judith hellerstein: (22:26) We cannot hear your
Javier Rúa-Jovet: (22:26) me neither
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (22:27) bad audio
judith hellerstein: (22:27) no
Ricardo Holmquist: (22:27) barely
Javier Rúa-Jovet: (22:27) very low
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (22:27) slightly but not good
Sebastien: (22:28) Can you posppone my speak
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (22:28) type
Sebastien: (22:28) Can you call me onmy mobile?
Gisella Gruber: (22:29) Coovi Hermann - ISOC Senegal joined the AC room
Gisella Gruber: (22:29) @ Sebastien - we are dialling out to you
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (22:29) he is asking for his intervention to be postponed
Coovi Hermann - ISOC Senegal: (22:29) hello all
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (22:29) so we can go on and come back to him when he's online
John More: (22:29) Sorry. I have to sign off
Gisella Gruber: (22:29) Thank you John
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (22:29) bye John
Coovi Hermann - ISOC Senegal: (22:30) do we have an adobe link for french one?
Coovi Hermann - ISOC Senegal: (22:30) thx
Javier Rúa-Jovet: (22:30) very good
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (22:30) we can also hear Seun
Gisella Gruber: (22:30) @ Coovi - we can dial-out to you on the French channel - please send me your number
Gisella Gruber: (22:31) Coovi - merci de m'envoyer votre numero afin que l'operatrice puisse vous connecter au canal francais
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (22:32) Is the decertification workspace on: up to date?
Silvia Vivanco: (22:37) Hi Olivier it is up to date
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (22:41) yes the percentage question would be interesting to track
judith hellerstein: (22:41) Suspended is not decertified
judith hellerstein: (22:41) we have several ALSes that are on notice
judith hellerstein: (22:42) The same as well
judith hellerstein: (22:42) Not really sure why we keep deferring them. They shold be decertified
judith hellerstein: (22:43) we only have 23 active ones
Gisella Gruber: (22:43) 6. Reports Page:
Julie Hammer: (22:43) All on my webpage.
John Laprise: (22:43) alan you're fading out again
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (22:43) and that's the second part of my question -- how many ALSes engage in policy? Perhaps another column?
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (22:44) I am seriously concerned that I have heard from several people that At-Large growth in ALSes with no increase in policy work is turning the At-Large into a social club. The words I have heard.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (22:47) :-)
Alberto Soto: (22:47) +1 Olivier
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (22:48) I am pleased that our wording is resilient even to the proposed changes to new vehicle
John Laprise: (22:53) Alan: how was I selected to fill garth's seat in India?
judith hellerstein: (22:54) going on the phone
judith hellerstein: (22:54) as I have to leave
Gisella Gruber: (22:54) @ Judith - thank you for informing us
Javier Rúa-Jovet: (22:54) I support the course of action proposed by Alan on this travel slot issue.
John Laprise: (22:55) suggestion on the floor: ALAC decision with input by relevant RALO
Javier Rúa-Jovet: (22:56) I agree with Alan. Can't speak on mic
Gisella Gruber: (22:58) 8. At-Large Workspace: At-Large Review Recommendations Feasibility Assessment & Implementation Plan:
Sebastien: (22:59) Link seems not working?
Ariel Liang: (22:59) working URL:
Bastiaan Goslings: (22:59) @Gisela: 'Page Not Found'
Sebastien: (22:59) Thanks Ariel
Ariel Liang: (23:00) In addition, all ALAC members and RALO leaders, as well as ALAC liaisons (in addition to WP members) have been provided comment access to the google doc as well to provide input:
Ariel Liang: (23:00) no problem
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (23:01) yea Aug 6 I thought I said that, but do note that date
Ariel Liang: (23:03) no that was fixed :)
Ariel Liang: (23:03) have my hand up
Gisella Gruber: (23:04) @ Bastiaan - apologies Ariel put correct link
Ariel Liang: (23:05) My additional comment is that the vote has ended earlier than expected due to all 15 members have voted
Ariel Liang: (23:05) just now
Gisella Gruber: (23:10) @ Alan - please speak up
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (23:13) not an entry point activity at all, takes Experience
Javier Rúa-Jovet: (23:16) sorry must sign off, sorry
Ariel Liang: (23:16) Download link for the post ICANN59 Report can be found here:
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (23:18) has that been sent to all the regional lists Ariel?
Heidi Ullrich: (23:18) @Olivier, the report includes considerable outreach and engagemet for AFRALO.
Heidi Ullrich: (23:19) Please feel free to raise the issue on the pre-60 call this Thursday.
Ariel Liang: (23:19) @Cheryl - promoted on social media and I believe there was an alac announcement about this. but will send this around the RALO mailing list
Ariel Liang: (23:19) @Olivier - please check the mention of outreach, especailly AFRALO activities, in the report here:
Gisella Gruber: (23:21) Bartlett Morgan has joined the AC room
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (23:23) @Ariel --- this is ALAC & At-Large Activities. It is not ICANN Outreach activities. What is happening is that this B meeting is being turned into Policy only and it is getting harder and harder to get all parts of ICANN to do outreach.
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (23:24) once again please unsync agenda
Ariel Liang: (23:25) thanks for the input Olivier. this report is produced by ICANN Policy Staff, so other departments' activities (including the ones concerning outreach) is not included, as they didn't contribut to the report.
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (23:27) @Ariel -- so that was the jist of my question. It would be interesting to receive an answer from the ICANN staff in charge of outreach
Gisella Gruber: (23:27) ICANN60 Abu Dhabi:
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (23:30) happy to help with the Development session development :-)
Ariel Liang: (23:31) @Olivier - you may be interested in reading the Wrap-Up #ICANN59 Newsletter. I checked it was sent to the EURALO mailing list, for example. It has mentioned fellow and other outreach activities
Ariel Liang: (23:32) Comms Department leads the communciations efforts and their meeting newsletters are supposed to provide that overview
Heidi Ullrich: (23:32) The APRALO OC is quite advanced i their planning for the GA.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (23:33) indeed :-)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (23:34) excellent news Judith
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (23:35) Blog Entry
Ariel Liang: (23:36) thanks all
Heidi Ullrich: (23:36) Thanks, All
Ricardo Holmquist: (23:36) good night all
Kaili Kan: (23:36) Bye!
Alberto Soto: (23:36) Thanks, bye!!
Bastiaan Goslings: (23:36) ciao!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (23:36) thanks and bye ð for now
Aida Noblia: (23:36) Good night
Alfredo Calderon: (23:36) bye
Bartlett Morgan: (23:37) take care everyone
Bartlett Morgan: (23:37) goodbye
Harold Arcos: (23:37) Thanks to all, Thanks to interpreters