At-Large Durban GAC Questions Workspace

At-Large Durban GAC Questions Workspace

This workspace has been made available for community members to post their GAC related questions.

Please submit any comments on the workspace using the comments function by 21 June 2013 23:59 UTC.

The questions/topics which will be proposed to the GAC, in no particular order, are:

  1. Geographic TLDs - the public Interest in the context of geographic TLDs - multistakeholder governance as best practice?
  2. Dotless Top Level Domains and other SSAC Advice - risk to the stability of the DNS
  3. Are Public Interest Commitments (PIC) that cannot be enforced useful?
  4. At-Large Introduction (structure, Regional At-Large Organisations (RALOs), At-Large Structures (ALSes) and an update on the ALAC Objections process)

Thanks for your input. This topic is now frozen.