At-Large Durban Meeting Reports Workspace
Reports submitted by At-Large community members who covered non-At-Large events at the ICANN Durban meeting. Please note that reports will be posted after the meeting begins.
Meeting | Date and Time | Assignee and RALO | Report |
DNS Women Breakfast | Monday 15 | Sylvia Herlein - LACRALO | DNS Women again showed their strength, convening more than 70 women from the various components of the industry, governments and civil society in the internet related in traditional breakfast on Mondays. It was announced the launch for ( next week) July 21st, 2013 del site but if you want more information can be found in |
ALAC Meetings | Sunday14 | Glenn McKnight-NARALO | A very interesting comment by Steve Crocker today on the hard work of ALAC , his comments were recorded and posted to the website
Pictures of the ICANN ALAC Meetings, GNSO, NCUC and more i |
Wed to Fri 13 | Glenn McKnight-NARALO | Various NCUC short video clips at the 1st School of African Internet Governance Just to get short NCUC clips up to Youtube quickly I have posted two short clips One from Bill Drake and another by Wolfgang | |
Sun. 14 | Glenn McKnight-NARALO | Presentation by Dev on LUCID MEETING as an effective tool for meetings Video pending on Youtube Dev Anand Teelucksingh
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Sun 14 | Glenn McKnight-NARALO | Livestreaming the ISOC event tonight Pictures of event posted to Flickr The event was two hours long and well attended by ISOC members around the World. The outgoing Chair had interesting comments Animoto video clip
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Mon 15 | Glenn McKnight | DNS and Women Pictures and Videos taken of event
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Mon 15 | Glenn McKnight | Online Learning Platform Discussion of the ICANN Academy, discussion on proceeding on the platform Speak to Siva or myself about the MOODLE which was created 1 -1/2 year ago
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Mon 15 | Glenn | Nomcom meetings for rest of day and meeting the ATRT2 group reviewing the stock of questions for NOMCOM, session chaired by Brian of PRI | |
Meeting Strategy Working Group | Mon 15 13:30 - 15:00 | Sylvia Herlein & Eduardo Díaz | We had a very successful brainstorming meeting. Many ideas were generated in relation to ways of structuring future ICANN meetings. X Plane consultors helped facilitate the meeting. |
ICANN Press Conference | Mon 15 16:30 - 17:30 | Eduardo Díaz | I was invited to participate in this event as one of the observers of the Meeting Strategy Working Group. Present at the conference were: Dr. Stephen Crocker, Fadi Chehadé, Dr. Nii Quaynor and Peter Dandjinou. |
BOARD and ALAC | 9 am | Glenn M | Photos taken at meeting and working group reports to board. Amazing dialogue between Steve Crocker and Fadi surprized everyone as to it's frankness and directness. It was encouraging to hear the commitment to the stakeholder involvement It was refreshing to hear to honesty and encouraging for ALAC Only photo regretfully |
11 | Glenn | ccNSO Presentation on finances of ccnSO by Bryon Holland Photos and video | |
12 | Glenn | Presentations by Nomcom Participated from the NARALO representative as to future training of NOMCOM reps | |
2 | Glenn | Presentation by ALAC Chairs Garth's presentation emphasized the three issues. Aboriginal Internet Access, Digital Rights of the Disabled and Privacy Issues Video posted Youtube | |
Monday, 15 July 2013 14:00- 16:00 | Garth | Excellent presentation by Karaitiana Taiuru on Indigenous Groups’ Perspective | |
ATRT2 meeting with the SSAC | Mon, 15 July 2013 07:30 - 08:30 | Dev Anand Teelucksingh | SSAC members commented on the ATRT2 questions Lot of discussion on Q1 (whether GNSO PDP is effective for developing gTLD policy) SSAC chair mentioned that an issue is that it is silo based rather than topic based, and that cross constituency input/deliberations on issues don't happen or happens too late whereever the process is being developed. Examples of possible issues : new gTLDs, IDN ccTLD Fast Track Steve Crocker mentioned a report just published on the internal SSAC list on the issue of conflict of names used on internal networks being This issue was mentioned by SSAC that such research was needed at the time of the initial root scaling survey for new gTLDs but was not done until now. Why did this take so long from a ATRT perspective? Alan noted that cross community deliberations is mentioned in the AoC but not done by ICANN AC/SOs Lyman C - when community centred processes such as GNSO PDP, in spite of cross-community and talking to to other ACs and SOs, there is a tendency by the AC/SO to complete the work internally. perhaps there needs to be mechanisms in the AC/SO PDP processes that requires input by other AC/SO groups before any AC/SO can publish reports.
SSAC chair mentioned that the SSAC has not ever been blocked/held back by ICANN legal to publish their reports. Reports may not be published as scheduled if there is not encough consensus. Discussion on SSAC Accountability and Transparency -
NOMCOM | ALL DAY | Glenn McKnight | We are doing extensive deep dives and interviews with ICANN Board candidates. Very interesting candidates. Excellent candidates for the new board We are working all day and tomorrow on interviews and Friday and Saturday is the selection process |
NARALO | General | Garth Bruen | In addition to our meeting I am helping coordinate our regional elections with staff. I have remarked to staff that election details must also be sent en Français aussi |
ALAC/NCSG | 12:30-14:00 Wed, 17 | Natalia Enci | Themes: 1. Joint Statement in TMCH in Beijing. 2. Request to return friday meetings. 1.The concern is the process. The real problem is that process that was follow by the CEO to gather a few people in a room without proper stakeholder participation, Not in complete agreement with the people that did participate in that process. The board approve the TMCH+50. You get to block 50 other names. The board ignore the request. The independent review process costs millions of dollars. Follow thorug the Community engagemente process. File an independent review process. Ask Icann to funding in the same way they are funding ALAC independent process. The CEO is restructuring the whole organization. Take a stand that this is a very crucial component. The creation of a division of implementation of a gold that is free of the stakeholder process, is problematic. We are going to isolate part of the process from the mulstistakholder model. It is the whole mulstistakeholder process that is being threaten by creating isolating division. The presidential committee that set the roadmap is another problem./ would like to see more information about how this is going to work. Understood is an operational part of ICANN. Contractual work. Ask the Board and FAdi and tema to produce a document that clearly define the work. The channel and bridges that connect. / have alarm bells ringing. / The MS is a complete work of ICANN, not a segment a ICANN. We are Icann. Alac can give advice on anything./ Be vigilant./ Say in the public forum. Joint statement, proper engagement process procedure. / Whish to first see evidence before raising a flag. / Produce a joint statement. /Alac have to take it back to other members. Statement that might have come from the alac in the future, asking for documents. |
Leadership Meeting | Thursday 8AM | Garth Bruen Glenn McKnight | Reported on NARALO activities, made the issue of updating the ALS application form a Inter-RALO item and will be moving forward with a multi-RALO subgroup to create a new online form. Also suggestion we use a short INTEREST FORM I shared with the group a GOOGLE FORM |
Leadership Meeting | Thursday 8AM | Garth Bruen | Made the action item "On a March 18 2013 ALAC briefing call on RAA changes staff (Margie Milam and Sam Eisner) were asked to identify ICANN's economic advisors and provide the economic study document that was the basis for changes to RAA 3.3.6 and 3.3.7, Will At-Large staff please forward this request again?" an ALAC action item from the Durban meeting. |
Informal meeting with Chris Mondini | Saturday | Garth Bruen | All present NARALO members met with the new VP of North American Stakeholder Relations Chris Mondini |
Informal Meeting with CEO | Sunday Night | Garth Bruen | All RALO leaders met with ICANN CEO - there was no policy discussion on introductions |
Nomcom | Thursday | Glenn | Nomcom meeting all day with candidates
ALL | Glenn | Pictures and Video of various ICANN events are posted on FLICKR and Youtube We need to discuss all the pictures and videos collected how to how handle this content in the future. As an example at Afralo showcase I have videod all the speakers. What can be done with this content?
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ATLAS II | Thursday 12:30 - Room 12AB | Garth | Not on calendar - unscheduled meeting to discuss preparation for ATLAS II in London June 2014 |
Africa Untethered – the Era of Digital Africa | Wednesday July 17 | Gordon Chillcott | I was only able to attend the second half of this meeting. This was a panel of African business people/entrepreurs, discussing their experiences and lessons learned. The panelists covered a number of points describing their business environment, including the role (or lack of it) of their governments, the state of the technical infrastructure and the needs that startup businesses are trying to meet. The business goal is always value-add with the Internet at its core and providing a viable value proposition. There were some remarkable success stories, including in one case the intruduction of “mobile money” to meet the needs of the rural population. This success required a number of years of negotiation with the nation's banks. PERSONAL OBSERVATION I came into this meeting expecting to be impressed, as I always am with the achievements on that continent. I came away from it not a little humbled. |
Academy Working Group | Monday July 15 | Gordon Chillcott | This meeting began with a presentation of the Online Learning Platform. This platform was originally called the “online education platform” and became the Online Learning Platform (OLP). The OLP is to be implemented in three phases, beginning with a pilot system to be presented in Buenos Aires. The final OLP will be delivered as a personalized portal incorporated into myICANN. Moodle is the platform: it is open source and has global support so that there are local sources of support. There was an observation that the Online Learning Platform needs to not be a stand-alone offering. This needs to be fully part of the on-line engagement experience. Attention now turned to the question of of how the OLP connects to ICANN Academy. The Academy was described to Chris and Nora and discussion ensued on how the OLP and the Academy map to each other. For example, in terms of content of Academy offerings, we may not need to re-invent the wheel. There are other sources, such as diplo or the African effort. Tijani observed that OLP and the Academy are not intended to be the same entity. The Academy is a much larger concern and OLP will simply be one of the tools. PERSONAL OBSERVATION: I believe Tijani is correct in his assertion that the Academy is the engine and OLP is a tool. Perhaps one of many. This needs to be emphasized at the highest level. |
ATLAS II Organizing Committee | July 17 | Gordon Chillcott | This was intended, apparently, to be a brainstorming session. There was some discussion of the survey, its design and its mechanics. A review of the last summit led to a discussion of what we expect to achieve in the upcoming one, and that :
Some further discussion on some other aspects:
PERSONAL OBSERVATION; I will echo Olivier's final remark: “Let's start going”. |
ICANN On-Line Learning Initiative | July 17 | Gordon Chillcott | A learning initiative. The technology is to be based on Moodle. This is it is open source and has global support so that there are local sources of support. The OLP is to be implemented in three phases, beginning with a pilot system to be presented in Buenos Aires. The final OLP will be delivered as a personalized portal incorporated into myICANN. Course content will first be sourced from existing material in ICANN, modified for the platform. There will be a third, ongoing phase to develop more content with a view to supporting a wide range of education needs. “New” course content might be gathered from the community. A “curator” will receive the material and it will be reviewed. There will be criteria for acceptance. This to take place in three phases, beginning with a prototype to be presented in Buenos Aires, a phase to begin creating content – in the beginning, based on exisitng material and a third, ongoing phase to develop more content with a view to supporting a wide range of education needs. “New” course content might be gathered from the community. A “curator” will receive the material and it will be reviewed. There will be criteria for acceptance. Material will be organized in learning “tracks” - modules that are small and engaging as possible to hold the participants interest. Format will vary rather widely: Videos (transcripts to be provided, as well as other aides), lessons, webinars, etc. There is an ambition to grant certificates at the end of some courses. ICANN itself will not grant the certificates – there is some discussion taking place with various institutions. This would take place in the third phase of this project. This led to a discussion that showed a strong interest in this initiative. PERSONAL OBSERVATION: This certainly seems to have generated a lot of interest. If successful, this would be a powerful tool for outreach. |
Creating a New ICANN 5-Year Strategic Plan | July 15 | Gordon Chillcott | This was:
The conversation “began” in this meeting, with the participants broken up into discussion groups. The intent was to at least begin the conversation. On a larger scale, a web portal has been launched to gather “comments” through September. The comments are on a set of broad topics on ICANN's role. PERSONAL OBSERVATION: This really needs to go deep into the ALSs. |
Contracting Process for new gTLD Applicants | July 15, 2013 16:30 - 17:30 | Yaovi Atohoun | The session took place on July 15, 2013. It was a very informative session about the contracting process for the new gTLD applicants. I retained form this session that 4 applicants for the new gTLD has signed a contract with ICANN on July 15, 2013. You can have the full presentation here |
Implementation of the Africa Strategy: Perspectives for FY14 | July 15, 2013;
13:00 - 14:30 | Yaovi Atohoun & Fatimata Seye Sylla | This session had three phases:
Part 1:
Part 2: A Panel of actors involved in ccTLD and DNS operation was held to share their view and perspectives for the DNS industry in Africa. As an example Affilias is ready to offer secondary DNS services. Part 3: Nii Quaynor, President of the selection committee presented the two categories of competitors (Registries and Registrars) before the announcement of the results. For the Registries, .ZA won the first prize and .TZ the second For Registrars, Kheweul from Senegal, which is the first operational registrar in Africa won the first prize and Diamatrix from South Africa got the second prize. The prizes were handed to the winners by Steve Crocker Chair of ICANN Board and Walda representing ISOC Group pictures with the selection committee members, the winners and the organizers were taken at the end of the ceremony. |
MSWG | Monday 15 - 13:30-15:30 | Tijani BEN JEMAA- AFRALO | MSWG-1 |
MSWG | Thursday 18 - 09:00-10:30 | Tijani BEN JEMAA- AFRALO | MSWG-2 |
OLP informal meeting | Tuesday 16 - 18:00-19:00 | Tijani BEN JEMAA- AFRALO | Online Learning Platform informal meeting |
Finance Open Session | Wednesday 17 - 11:00-12:30 | Tijani BEN JEMAA- AFRALO | ICANN Finance Open Session |
Finance Process Improvement | Thursday 18 - 10:00-11:00 | Tijani BEN JEMAA- AFRALO | Finance Process Improvement |
Geo Region Review Workshop | Thursday 18 - 12:30-13:30 | Tijani BEN JEMAA- AFRALO | Geographic Regions Review Workshop |