ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach Summary Minutes 2012-12-13

ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach Summary Minutes 2012-12-13

Summary Minutes and Action Items

ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach

Thursday 13 December 2012 at 1800 UTC



1. Review of Agenda and Aim of Meeting (5 min) - Cheryl

Agenda was reviewed

2. Roll call (5 min) - Staff

Roll call was held

CLO: If anyone has a contract or other things being planned, we would not want an activity on the record that would have some significance on the local community. Any of the members of this WG can take these conversations off the record via Chattam House Rules.

CLO: We need to be aware of where we set out expectations and how we choose to thoughtfully and courteously interact with each other.

3. Confirmation of Membership: Full Participant or Observer (5 mins) - Cheryl

CLO: A call should be issues if anyone, while wanting to participate, does not want to be a member?

RG: By full participants, do we mean one person per ICANN Region?

CLO: Our aim will be to have all regions represented, both at the ALAC level and also at the RALO level. We certainly need more input from our region, and as we move to Beijing I can imagine that out input from APRALO will swell.

4. Brief Review of ALAC Sub-Committee on Outreach Meeting in Toronto and Action Items(5 mins) - Cheryl

CLO: With the forming of this committee, we have the ability to develop a general undertaking of what all is happening in our communities.

AI: Matt to parse the transcript from the Torono SC on Outreach has the presentations are separated from the EN transcript.

AI: Silvia to keep note of the Lunar Festivals

5. Prioritization of Outreach SC Activities over the next six months (20 mins) - All

WL: We have spoken with the Council of Europe and this is a great opportunity for us to make new contacts and increase our base.

OCL: We need to recognize the new big ticket items and respond to them appropriately.

CLO: We need the regions to communicate with one another so, if there are opportunities beyond our normal work for cross-RALO work, the RALOs and the ALAC are working together.

6.Next Steps (10 mins) - Cheryl

SR: I would like a specific activities of what the SC is doing so I can assist as necessary.

CLO: Lets also list specific activities ( and a How to kit / ?? speaker training and resources)

CLO: Perhaps we could have a bureau that could have the same access to same resources. These individuals should be allowed to work with autonomy to help train and to help develop our relationships.

7. Next Call (10 mins) - Cheryl

a. Frequency of calls

b. Should the calls be on a rotating schedule?

CLO: I propose we plan a monthly call and on a rotational time.

This proposal was agreed upon by all.

AI: Dev and Staff to work on sharing tools for the WG.