ROP DSDT 2012-09-19 Summary minutes

ROP DSDT 2012-09-19 Summary minutes

DSDT Summary Minutes and Action Items
19 September 2012
1.  Roll Call and Apologies (Staff 5 min)
·  Roll call was held.
2. Introduction Welcome and Purpose of Call. (Meeting Chair/staff/group 5 min)
·  Introduction was held. 
3. Review of current Sandbox Text (20 mins)
·  HR: If you scroll down to the the end of the sandbox, 
·  HR: The next thing we would need to do is put it into better order. Again, not numbering. 
·  HR: The primary role would need to be moved up. 
·  CLO: I think you should discuss the process and guidelines references. Perhaps a mandate and a clear goal given to them. And then a reference to where those rules are. In terms of listing the existing ones, I would only use examples and not all of the ules. We could have a permananent landing page  for the rules. Don't try to capture a complete list, it is far too dynamic.
·  AG: It should be a webpage and not a wiki page.
·  HR: There are two takss - drafting and the mchanics that back it up. 
·  CLO: In the draft  just <<  insert link>>>  as placholder for the pages referred to in our section
·  CLO: We are ooking to give a general structure. In terms of general order and shuffling things around, we need to look at the concensus of the DT. 
·  AG: On both groups, we are making headway.  In DM we re gaps to fill. 
·  HR: That can note what will be in the structure. 
·  ST: We are discussing various issues. We talked about the A1, A2, A3 headers. As a team, we drafted text. Holly has talked about it and, interms of composition, we should also start thinking about various issues. As people begin to populate the lists, the pen holders can populate the substantive text. 
·  HR: We can ask people to comment once the text has been developed. 
·  CLO: We have been alocated a term and need to fill in the meaning 
·  AG: Having the questions in a seperat document makes it difficult for people to get a handle on it.
·  HR: We should go tthrough the text before we define it. 
·  HR: Alan if you can add what you have done in the template, that would be quie productive.