ALAC Internal Rule-EN
Document Information
- Version: ICANN EN ALAC/2007/1/1.Rev3
- ORIGINAL: English DATE: 21st May 2007
- STATUS: Pending
- Author(s): Vittorio Bertola, ??
- The Rules of Procedure Working Group has been tasked to review and revise the document (below). Their current draft is available here
Below are my comments in no particular order:
- Officers
- More than one vice-chair should be appointed
- Vice Chairs, should if possible , be regionally balanced
- Should a distinction (if any) be made between ALAC representatives elected by the RALOs and Nomcom appointees?
- Most boards have other officers, such as secretaries and treasurers, etc. Do we want to name such positions as well?
- Relation to California Statute..
- ICANN and its structures operate under California law, as such it might be worthwhile to research what if any sections apply to advisory bodies such as ours. Specifically, i'm thinking of disclosure related issues..
- The language related to the election/appointment of liaisons should be revised to include:
- Conflict of Interest / Transparency statement by all liaisons -
- Reporting requirement
- other liaisons that we now have (ie. SSAC) & key task forces (such as WHOIS, etc)
- Voting procedure(s)
- We should define what role regional RALO's play in the process of selecting liaisons. As minimum, they should be pro actively consulted and their opinions should be taken into consideration by ALL their regional reps (ie. RALO appointees as well as nomcom). This doesn't bind the regional reps, but it insures they consult and seek active feedback from the regional ralos.
- What voting procedure should be used for election of liaisons, that is if an election is contested. I suggest secret ballot, one where a candidate requires 50%+1 to be elected. If no candidate reaches this threshold, then the candidate with the lowest # of votes is dropped and the election is run again. Alternatively, a voting system where one ranks candidates and runs the election via a runoff voting process would be ok too.
- proxy and/or absentee voting clause should be added should voting take place in person and/or on a telephone call.
- Confidentiality / Non-Disclosure Agreement(s)
- As i've mentioned on the list, it might be useful to have a mechanism to allow the ALAC (or a specific working committee, designated individual, etc ) to be able to participate in closed meetings (ie GAC) or access confidential information (ie. budget ).
- It would be good to describe what information is to remain on the alac-internal list, and what can be shared with others.
contributed by on 2007-07-03 13:59:16 GMT
I would suggest you to preserve the numbering of the sections or we'll get lost.
We need to add the SSAC Liaison to the list of officers, but perhaps it would be better to add another paragraph under the first section, with something like "Further liaisons to ICANN's Advisory Committees, Supporting Organizations and Constituencies can be established by approval of the Committee; in that case, they will follow the rules established for the appointment and functioning of the GNSO Liaison." (I have picked the GNSO Liaison because the Board Liaison is atypical in timing of the election, and the Chair has additional requirements.)
The more I see things happen, the more I think that liaisons should have two-year terms so to spare us half of the cycles of electioneering and provide some stability, but I don't want to mess up with terms while being a candidate.
contributed by on 2007-07-04 08:16:41 GMT