Way Forward

Way Forward

ALAC ROP's ADOPTED October 2007.pdf

FINAL ALAC ROP's Sept 2007.pdf

FINAL ALAC ROP's Sept 2007.pdf

ALAC ROP's Sept 2007 Draft.pdf

Please find attached the final version of the ALAC ROPs for endorsement by the committee

A suggested way forward: Cheryl to take the lead.

a) Use the version Cheryl produced as the reference base
upon which we all work to finailize.

b) The ALAC discuss and finalize
as much as possible of the alternative suggestions and present
that to the Committee as the real final version? By Sep 17th.

c) Then we will work online to exchange further suggestions,
for two more weeks, and if we have diverging points, we will
setup some kind of online mechanism to "vote" on each points
and make the decision according to the vote - by Sep. 24th.

d) Final document Vote after discussion on the next conference Call on *October 9th. **** This date was not reflected in the final deliberations of the ALAC please note the following excerpt from minutes of the Meeting... With the Final document adoption coming into place on Sept 29th.
<snip>Rules of Procedure:

Cheryl introduced the situation with the ROP documents and the difficulty of creating a final text after the last teleconference. Alan stressed the importance of getting this work done on time.

The Chair’s proposal for a way forward was noted. The following variation of the way forward was adopted without objection:

September 17th all members to comment on draft. New comments not to be made after that date.
By 24th September all comments incorporated. Depending on how many open points then adoption without objection on list or via a vote as required shall be completed by September 29th.

<break in minutes due to disconnection>

A suggestion to agree if necessary on the teleconference was made, however a view was expressed that this would greatly extend the teleconference. The Chair proposed therefore a maximum of 30 minutes would be spent, with the proviso that a way to conclude the matter be agreed at that time if the work was not completed.

This was agreed without objection. <end snip>

I recommend that the ROP include a procedure by which ALAC can designate an independent third party – not an ALAC Committee member or ICANN staff member – to conduct the mechanics of a vote.


contributed by wendy@seltzer.com on 2007-09-11 14:08:47 GMT

I support the proposal that an independent third party be designated by the ALAC to conduct the mechanics of the vote.

In that respect, I have been asking election experts that I know as to who they might recommend. http://punchscan.org/ has been recommended by Lilie Coney @ Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC). Lillie mentions that she likely would be able to get Punchscan to run our elections at no cost.

What's interesting with Punchscan, is that their innovative approach allows for those voting to verify their ballot privately nd anonymously. A verified voting process would add transparency to the process, something that would be good.

contributed by rguerra@privaterra.ca on 2007-09-13 12:40:00 GMT

I support the motion to the thir party, presented by Wendy. And I consider strictly necessary .
Carlos Aguirre

contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2007-09-25 00:56:48 GMT

This request has no objections raised there fore has been incorporated into the relevant sections of the Final ROPs document... Thank you for you comments... ROPs WG