ROP ESADT meeting 2012-09-24 Summary Minutes

ROP ESADT meeting 2012-09-24 Summary Minutes

ESADT 24 September 2012 at 1800 UTC

Summary Minutes and Action Items


Staff gave the roll call.


YL: Yaovi and I wrote the second version of the draft text. It is the 2.0 version which takes into account some remarks by Roosevelt King to the ROP Workspace. Alan Greenberg also provided some comments which I tried to incorporate. I hope you have had a chance to review these. However, I'd like to scroll through them. We should take the elements apart and then try to put them together again.


First we put some general provisions here. Perhaps we could move some other items here. Read 1.1 on the appointments of the ALAC Chair, etc. Read 1.2  on the method of elections.


AG: Do we need to define confidential? One of the methods we use is by telephone which means that the person has to be trusted. Do we need any further words?


YL: The own rules, there is some point there is a note under confidentiality. Perhaps we can open the floor.


AG: I think the word "confidential" is ok. However, I think we need to define it. There is currently some words on the person counting the votes being trusted.


YL: Ok. Let's move on to the next session on Ordinary Elections. We first thought that the order should be Ordinary Elections and then Extraordinary Elections. Shall we have them in connection with the AGM or with an ALAC meeting connected with an ICANN Meeting. AG had some comments that the Chair should be elected before the AGM.


AG: The topic of when the Chair/Officer elections should be taken over before the AGM. Potentially, there could be a large turn-over in the ALAC, so the current ALAC should vote on the ALAC Chair. For the other officers, they should be nominated by the new ALAC. However, Tijani Ben Jemaa has suggested that the entire set of officers be elected prior to the AGM.


TBJ: I think we don't need to make the selection of the officers compulsory for at or after the AGM. There would be a problem. The problem would be that the Chair is selected by the old ALAC and the other officers by the new ALAC. I think that all the officers should be elected by the either the old (current) or new ALAC.


AG: Knowing how the idea of how this point was brought up, I don't think that there will be any issue with the old/current ALAC nominating and electing the Officers.


CLO: I personlly don't have a problem with splitting. I do believe that the old ALAC needs to be appoint the Chair. I don't have an issue with splitting the election of the officers/other officer. I think nominating the people who don't have the right skill sets is a bigger problem. I therefore don't have an issue with having all officers being nominated/appointed by the old ALAC.

I do think we will have to argue very strongly why we don't have the new ALAC appointing the other officers.


TBJ: CLO, what about the splitting?


CLO: I am not sure of the technicalities of that.


AG: I cannot live with the suggestion that both ALAC members do the appointment. The high numbers, and weighting from some regions, would make this difficult. One of the reasons why we had the new ALAC make the decison in the past, the ratiionale was that the ICANN week was an opportunity for people to discuss it. I can certainly live with TBJ's suggestion that all is done before.


YL: We will not decide anything at this call, but this discussion has been useful.


ED: What about whether having the old ALAC do the nominations and the elections be held by the new ALAC.


YL: I have a fairly good idea of the alternatives now. There seems to be flexibility in this group.


YL: Let's go to the procedural rules


YA: This portion - the call for elections - because the current Chair is calling for the elections. As the Chair may also be running for election, he may note be very comfortable with sending the elections out. So perhaps it should be the staff to send the call out.


CLO: The business of the Chair having to do certain roles in the call for the election, perhaps a Secretary could send it out or on behalf of the ALAC.


YL: Thanks to Alan and CLO.


YL: Anyone who has a chance of becoming an ALAC member can qualify. When we have elctions at other ALAC meetings, only current ALAC members can be nominated.


AG: As previosly mentioned, the situation is a bit complex. We have been told by the review team that the ALAC Chair should b two years. What about people who will not be here for two years? The duties group came up with words that they are very comfortbale with. Although, I am not sure if they need to be in the chat.


TBJ: I think Alan is correct. We want to be absolutely clear in terms of the Chair's length of time.


AGL The case of a bad chair should be handled in the recall rules, which I think this group is doing. IN terms of the many options, the words in my comments cover all cases. There are few times that the 2 years limit applies. The only time that you don't have a chance to rerun is when you are at the end of your term limit and your region is on an off-year with the NomCom. We have covered this option via the text.


YA: If someone only has one year left with teh RALOs, can this person be reelected via the NomCom? Can we influence the decision made by the NomCom. What if we are left with an option where we need them for another yar?


CLO:  YES  they can  Yaovi  but we have NO influence in NomCOm


CLO: In 2.5 we talk about the ALAC public list. Can we not identify the specific list? I think this is best as we don't need to define what is meant by that list.


YL: We have mentioned the other possibilities as well as afce to face meetings. But then we have something that says, "With the aim of the others..." Is this the place for this requirement?


CLO: Having that sentence here is necessary. I think it coul dbe very handy in the future.


AG: I am okay with using "all regions" rather than "the 5 regions."


AG: i think it needs to refer to only the elections that will be carried out by the alac


TBJ: For any vote...?


AGL: I believe that Tijani said non-personal votes shoudl not be anonymous.


DAT: What is the need for 2.1.9?


CLO: There are people who will argue that without that clause anonymous squares of paper need to be counted in public. We had an argument once about this issue once - some people were concerened about online voting.


AG: We have written BigPulse into rules. We've gone from side to the other.


YL: I like the suggestion to reverse the order and add waht you suggested regarding the indepedent party. There is one more point on 2.1.11 re quorum.




YL: Let's move to 2.2 on Extraordinary elections.

Read 2.2.1


ED: Which team is working on the point of when an officer is a NomCom selectee.


OCL: To answer Eduardo's question, we're dealing here with Officers. So we know that that person will replaced by the NomCom. But that takes time, so we need to know what the ALAC will do re the available slot process. So I would that the ALAC process should begin right away in the case the resignation is a NomCom selectee and NOT wait for the NomCom to select a replacement.


YA: I think that if the officer that resigns is from the NomCom, his position should be from among the NomCom selectees.


CLO: I totally disagree with Yaovi's point. Once you are appointed to the  ALAC, you are ALAC. There are no differences between the regionally or NomCom appointments. So there is no harm in replacing a NomCom appointed ExCom officer with another NomCom appointed ALAC member.


AG: First of all, in replacing a NomCom person, the NomCom could say they will wait a year to replace the person. Second, this whole section is on extraordinary elections. So we need to separate the issues. I would hate to say that if Olivier decides to leave today, that our only available selection is from Europe.


TBJ: I think we need to think about the ALAC members. There is not a problem with replacing an officer who was from the NomCom with someone NOT from the NomCom.


CLO: I would suggest, Alan, that extraordinary elections are not just limited to the Chair. I'd like this section to be called: Extraordinary elections, selections and appointments.

The way this is written, any appointment, there are leadership teams, liaisons.


It was agreed by Alan and Olivier that the title of  of the Section on Extraordinary Elections should be changed to: Extraordinary Elections, Selections & Appointments


Olivier Crepin-Leblond: change the title but keep the two cases of Chair & Excom as separate clauses


YL: 2.2.2 - on the nomination deadline.


Heidi Ullrich: Did you want the text in 2.2.4 to say Chair/staff to post the election summary?


Cheryl Langdon-Orr: that would be better IMO   Heidi



CLO: If for example, if you have a chair appointed for two years and one year and 3 months, then the person who is appointed to fill it should only fill it until the end of the term.


YL: 2.3 Special Provisions - Read 2.3.1 and 2.3.2. Do we need these details or put it on an annex?


CLO: Yes


AG: 2.3.4 - There is text here that doesn't appear anywhere else, so good to keep. Having a temporary person to serve immediately is a good thing. I


YL: OK. We will keep it and look at the text to polish it.


CLO: The Chair should have at least two VCs can step in .But what happens if the whole leadership team is unable to fulfill their positions. We need to have text for a temporary replacement in the main text.


TBJ:  I think that the VCs are there to replace the Chair if need be. I think the extraordinary elections...but in case...the VC will become  the Chair.


AI: AG to draft a succession proposal to be presented during the MADT meeting.


CLO: Most trusted person, including from the RALOs, will be considered.


OCL: This text is important for historical purposes. It is the ALAC that needs to retain these rights.


YA: I understand that it is a privilege for the ALAC to send people to the NomCom.


TBJ: The RALOs should propose and the ALAC should approve it or reject it.


AG: With the ALS, the ALAC accepts or rejects the advise, but if we reject we still need to be select someone.

Sometimes the person was not a good NomCom participant.


OCL: Agrees with AG, and is concerned about the word "rejecting". When ALAC votes for someone else is that person is more suitable, but not rejecting a person.

Pen Holders have good points.



AI: For penholders to produce the next version for the meeting we will have in 2 weeks time.