Slovenian Consumers Association (Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije) (EURALO)
Slovenian Consumers Association (Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije) (EURALO)
Applied and accredited in 2007.
Email from ALS Primary Contact, 07 December 2020:
"Dear Sebastien and Gisella,
I believe you noticed we have not been active for long time in EURALO neither in ICANN.
Being small consumer organization and due to lack of capacity we would like to terminate our membership in EURALO.
I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Stay safe.
Breda Kutin"
Confirmed on XX XXX 2021 by Sebastien Bachollet, EURALO Chair and Natalia Filina, EURALO Secretariat.
ALAC Chair notified by EURALO Chair of the motion to decertify ZPS, confirmed XX XXXX 2021.