Internet Support Foundation (EURALO) Decertification Workspace

Internet Support Foundation (EURALO) Decertification Workspace

Information from correspondence in preparation for the EURALO Virtual General Assemblies:

  • фонд поддержки интернет Translation: Internet Support Foundation

2020 Virtual GA

Sergei Zaytsev - sz@support.ru &  & Dmitry Belyavsky <beldmit@gmail.com

Emails not being delivered to Sergei,

13.12.2020 added Dmitry. Reponse Dmitry, no email for Sergei and he is not able to attend GA

15.12.202 – Dimitri’s response: very rarely working for the Foundation

2021 – Virtual GA

30.11.2021 – email from Andrei Kolesnikov: “Gisella, I believe “internet support foundation” is dead for a long time. 

30.11.2021 - email from Natalia: Dmitry said he did not know Sergei in person and knew nothing about Sergei, his contacts and so on.
Dmitry has not participated in the activities of the foundation for a long time and hasn't any plan to attend the EURALO GA.