Decertified ALSes
Decertified ALSes
Details of Decertified ALSes are only available to users who have a confluence account. If you need an account, please email staff@atlarge.icann.org
Internet Users Network - Tokyo (APRALO)
Internet Society Pakistan (APRALO)
- Committee for a Democratic United Nations (EURALO)
- Associazione Italiana per la Sicurezza Informatica (CLUSIT, Italian Association for Computer Security) (EURALO)
- KEPKA, consumer org., Greece (EURALO)
- Terre des Femmes, Germany (EURALO)
- Ynternet.org, Switzerland (EURALO)
- Alfa-Redi (LACRALO)
- National Consumers' League (LACRALO)
- Consumer Web Watch (NARALO)
- The Alberta Community Network Association (NARALO)
- Peoplewho.org (NARALO)
- Manitoba E-Association (NARALO)
- Web 405 (NARALO)
- Online News Association (NARALO)
- Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-emails (CAUCE North America) (NARALO)
- Emerging Futures Youth Network (NARALO)
- Privaterra (NARALO)
- ISOC Luxembourg A.S.B.L. (EURALO)
- Asociación Costarricense de Derecho Informático (LACRALO)
- Association for Community Networking (AFCN) (NARALO)
- Open Media (NARALO)
- ISOC Disabled and Special Needs (NARALO)
- ISOC North Carolina
- Knujon (NARALO)
- Association of Internet Users (NARALO)
- ISOC Mauritius (AFRALO)
- ISOC South Africa Gauteng Chapter (AFRALO)
- ISOC US Colorado Chapter of the Internet Society (NARALO)
- Connecting.nyc Inc (NARALO)
- Wikimedia Osterreich (EURALO)
- Communica -ch- the Swiss Platform for the Information Society (EURALO)
- Internet Support Foundation (EURALO)
- Internet Society Russia (EURALO)
- A4IP PlugIn (EURALO)
- Humanistische Union e.V (EURALO)
- Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung e.V (EURALO)
- Slovenian Consumers Association (Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije) (EURALO)
- dotHIV
- Canadian Association for Open Source (Canadian Linux Users Exchange -CLUE) (NARALO)
- Internet Society Rural Development Special Interest Group (APRALO)